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condiment Tequila in sauce or salsa ?

Yes, and I think I used about 2 cups in a gallon of sauce. That was just enough to give it a good Tequila flavor that was not so dominate as to hide other flavors. It was more like there was a hint of it in the finish. 
RocketMan said:
Yes, and I think I used about 2 cups in a gallon of sauce. That was just enough to give it a good Tequila flavor that was not so dominate as to hide other flavors. It was more like there was a hint of it in the finish. 
What I'm looking for is for someone to ask if there is tequila in there because they are not sure they really tasted it or not and only imagined they did lol. I was thinking about 2oz per quart. What do you think ?
I'm not a drunk.
I'm an alcohol enthusiast.
And my preferred alcoholic beverage other than beer is tequila.
Hornito's for casual and The Kah reposado when I'm feelin' all aristocratic n' sheeit.
In my past experience with trying tequila in a hot sauce I found that because it is a little more subtle and less bold than say
bourbon or rum, you have to use quite a bit. That creates a problem of having to reduce down or thicken as its way too runny.
The other problem is that the fragrance and taste get lost trying to compete with the flavor of the chile's and other ingredients
used. In all of the 4 times I tried using it, in every case I really couldn't tell if it was in there or not and if I recall in one instance 
used a little over half of a 5th of Hornito's for about a quart and a half of finished sauce. I reckon that temperature from 
heat in reducing the sauce, cooked much of the flavor and alcoholic nuance's out of it. 
Thusly I gave up trying it again and now just pour a shot or just bump off the bottle cowboy style while enjoying food with 
hot stuff.

I dunno' why the script is coming out like that.
Started after the last THP glitch in the matrix.
I can't remember the name of what i was using. Generally I go by the principal that if I wouldn't drink it, why would i use it in a sauce but as I recall it was some really cheap, rock gut Tequila that had a really bad bite and burn if you tried to down a shot but it worked really well in the sauce. The sauce was a simple Jalapeno, Serrano, Onion, Lemon Grass and some Carrots and like I said the Tequila only came through on the finish and was just enough of a hint that it let you know it was in there. 
Edit: I just remembered it was called Cuervo Gold
Yup Cuervo Gold is expensive garbage. Not gold tequila, has caramel color and additives. Plah.
However I'd not use a fancy tequila for a sauce. Would cost a fortune. A cheap silver tequila should work fine. I'm not sure you're going to even taste it. Bourbon you can pick out in some sauce for sure... tequila would be harder.
I'd say pair it with flavors a margarita is made with to really make it shine. Lime and orange and other fruit. Unless it's a citrus based sauce I'm not so sure it'd be picked up.
It would be great on fish tacos.