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movies subtitles in movies

I'm curious to know what others here think of subtitles in movies, do you hate them or dont mind them/not a big deal to have them ?
I know some movies try to make the movie ethentic with languages, even if you're talking about alien movies.
for me it gets annoying to read the movie while taking your eyesight off the movie & miss some part of the movie cuz you're reading some stupid subtitles in the movie. I can understand a little bit of subtitles but the whole movie :rolleyes:
I rented a movie not a book & not deaf.
I guess I don't actively seek them out, but have seen some pretty good movies that had subtitles.

Some movies should really have them. Stopped watching Trainspotting and Snatch cause I just couldn't eff'n understand it. Some other one I can't remember too. Some Boston movie.
For foreign movies, it is better than dubbing. Dubbing is when they replace the dialog with English voice overs, and the lips don't match.

As far as watching a USA made movie that has some subtitles in it, I can understand if you did not expect them, they can be annoying. But you can't have a scene in a non-English speaking country with them speaking English.
I don't like them either CH, but I have learned to watch the movie with the left eye and read the text with the right eye :rofl: (J/K)
I dont mind subtitles.. but it depends on the movie.. my dad is deaf in one ear so he needs them and appreciates the subtitles.. i find that i end up getting too distracted with them and dont really see whats going on.. (ie: Inglourious Basterds was one movie that got me really distracted by the subtitles)
yeah, but it was one of the best movies I have seen in a long long time...
subtitles...oh yeah...back on thread...sorry to half derail your thread CH...

there have been a lot of movies made I have seen where the subtitles take up the bottom 1/4 of the screen and it aggrevates me that I can't see the whole scene...I suppose I could turn them off huh...if that is a feature of that movie...
thehotpepper.com said:
For foreign movies, it is better than dubbing. Dubbing is when they replace the dialog with English voice overs, and the lips don't match.

As far as watching a USA made movie that has some subtitles in it, I can understand if you did not expect them, they can be annoying. But you can't have a scene in a non-English speaking country with them speaking English.

Remember all the WWII movies? the English speakers spoke with US accents, and the Germans in a clipped faux English one? Was horrible!

On a side note, it didn't bother me watching movies in English with a bit of Spanish, but as I lose comprehension and regularity of hearing Spanish, i tend to read the movies more than watch them.

I agree that subtitles can be a pain, but is better than not understanding the plot, or guessing what's happening through body language.
I dont mind them I really have trouble when the text is in a white background or blocking some of the scene I think the best one I had seen was Il Postino with Ingloriuos Bastards being good for a non-artsy flick -- goes good with Beer, wings and pizza
Subs to translate a language other than your native one is okay....but still a distraction. If you're busy reading, then you're not watching the movie.

Other than that circumstance....they suck.
thehotpepper.com said:
But you can't have a scene in a non-English speaking country with them speaking English.

why not ? the movie was intended for a certain language group. I have no problem watching a movie with non english characters speaking english.

mel said:
I dont mind subtitles.. but it depends on the movie.. my dad is deaf in one ear so he needs them and appreciates the subtitles.. i find that i end up getting too distracted with them and dont really see whats going on.. (ie: Inglourious Basterds was one movie that got me really distracted by the subtitles)

dont get me wrong, I believe movies should have the option to have subtitles for people hard of hearing or not your native tongue, but movies should also have an option to get rid of the subtitles & only listen to your native tongue for the movie.

LOL " inglourious bastards " was 1 of the movies why I posted this thread, the other being " district 9 " but theres been many more over the years that subtitles bugged me.
I guess I'm the odd one here cuz " bastards " I didnt care for the movie..kinda dumb & hyped up from the commercials.

AlabamaJack said:
subtitles...oh yeah...back on thread...sorry to half derail your thread CH...

there have been a lot of movies made I have seen where the subtitles take up the bottom 1/4 of the screen and it aggrevates me that I can't see the whole scene...I suppose I could turn them off huh...if that is a feature of that movie...

it doesnt bother me if people hijack my threads, its all in good fun.
like I mentioned above, the movie should also have the option to remove subtitles & switch to listen to the movie in 1 language w/o the need to read subtitles. maybe 1 day this will be an option ? I hope.

paulky_2000 said:
Subs to translate a language other than your native one is okay....but still a distraction. If you're busy reading, then you're not watching the movie.

Other than that circumstance....they suck.

thats the way I see subtitles = a distraction!
all the things you miss in a movie cuz you're reading subtitles or if they have the subtitles go too fast & then you have to rewind to read what they said.
LOL all she did was run wasn't hard to follow ;)
No I mean it wasn't hard to follow the subtitles in that because she was just running to music for all of the film.
You just have to learn how to read faster so you don't miss the movie;) Or read :lol: on the box before you rent or buy a DVD so you don't get one with subtitles...