Stretccching that growing season

Well I just came in from drapping sheets over my plants. I put a couple 60w lights under there too. The weather man says it might get as cold as 25º tonight.

Up until yesterday it's been freakishly warm, even for Texas with highs flirting with 90º most days. The habanero plants have been very happy with many baby chiles and even lots of blooms. With a little luck I'll still be harvesting into December and maybe even January.

I'm really addicted to these fresh chiles. The ones in the supermarket really suck compared to mine.
Well all the plants made it except one jalapeno that was away from the other groups and only had a garbage bag over it. R.I.P. jalapeno plant. :twisted:

Thanks for the advice. I 'll look into that.

I pulled the sheets off as soon as I got up in the morning so the plants will be fine. It was just to keep them from freezing at night. If the weather gets to where it's below freezing during the day then growing season is done...until Febuary!
The plants are covered in sheets again tonight with lows expected in the upper 20s. I may have to go ahead and harvest the rest as they are predicting even colder temps later this week. At least some are already orange.

Oh well...I need to get the soil ready for next year's crop anyway!
If you pull your plants and hang them upside down (roots and all) and keep them warm, the peppers will still turn for you.