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condiment Salsa Tip 1 - Cilantro

The Hot Pepper

Cilantro turns to mush in salsa, unless you eat it right way. So how do you make salsa with cilantro? Or get that fresh cilantro taste that makes fresh salsa taste so good?

Tip: Make a cilantro pesto with olive oil and cilantro. No garlic, salt, or pine nuts here this is not for eating. Follow measurements for your basic pesto substituting cilantro for basil. Make about 1 cup. Process it well in the food procesor, until fine. Add an additional 1/2 cup olive oil and give in a quick pulse. Store in the fridge overnight (no longer!). Next day run it through a sieve and what you have is liquid cilantro! The fresh taste is preserved and the oil is fully infused.

Add to your salsa and blamo! See for yourself.
Either you are pointing out the part where I haven't done any, or else you are calling the boss on posting something without a reference perhaps? either way I'm stymied.

No, that was meant for THP.

Its a long running joke.

I can't remember the thread it was started in otherwise I'd post a link.

Something about giving JayT jazz about him going to do research on how to make a sandwich or some such.

And yes, I was trolling Dan.

Why I oughtta....
I'm finding grapeseed oil works wonders here! It's so light and neutral, no flavor imparts, it's just a carrier.
Also try this in guacamole, it actually makes it creamier! Cilantro oil in guac FTW!
The Hot Pepper said:
I'm finding grapeseed oil works wonders here! It's so light and neutral, no flavor imparts, it's just a carrier.
Also try this in guacamole, it actually makes it creamier! Cilantro oil in guac FTW!
You don't need no stinkin' cilantro oil in guac.
Here's my latest guac sauce.
2 medium avos
6 cloves of garlic
juice of 2 medium limes
2-5 pickled xalapas
1 bunch of cilantro
1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil
salt to taste
Zipper it all up in the queeze or do as I do and boat motor it.
Sex in a bowl guud!
It's the Mexican city where jalapnos are from and get there name from. Xalapa. So he means jalapenos. But he is TB.
dang it, Boss....I know that, just wanted to see if TB would bite.  QUICK!  Erase these 2 posts!!!
Dang cilantro oil attracts all the trolls. Hehe. SL trolling? Or the salsalady really didn't know?!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Well, they have all kinds of crazy ingredients down there south of the Big Dry Gulch.  Ya never know what TB might throw under the boat motor.