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condiment Salsa Roja

Got a new immersion blender for xmas, so I thought I'd take it for a whirl.
I've been on a quest to replicate the sauce you find in red bottles at burrito joints. Research suggested I've been missing Knorr chicken bullion. After more lunch based research, I concluded that this may be right.
The ingredients:

Onion, garlic, store bought pods, Knorr, and some left over Ro-tel.
Step one, roast the peppers and garlic:

Step Two, soak the peppers, throw everything in a pot, and heat. After it's simmered a while, hit it with the immersion blender:

Step three, package, and put in fridge:

All in all, it turned out great, but it's not what I'm looking for. Next time, more peppers, and less of everything else. And throw in some hotter peppers. This baby is mild!
Going to let it meld a day or two and try it again. Right now, I'd serve it in a bowl, with chips and be happy.
If anyone has any suggestions on what I should do for round 2, let me know!
Looks good probably taste as good or better than what you would find... Round 2 should call for some fresh cilantro and pepper with some fresh squeeshed lime or lemon juice...
Taste tested this with a burrito from my favorite cart today for lunch, and I have to say that it was straight up good. Flavors melded, and had a depth you usually don't find with the sauces provided at the cart. Closer than I thought I was to my target!