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photography Photo Album

Ima write him a message on your behalf. See if he goes for it.

Edit: Just sent sms. it said "hey bro i wanna buy the old camera off ya for fifty. Its for a mate in isreal, cmon give it up".

Prolly tell me to blow myself.

up :D

Edit edit: Twoi missed calls but cant answer due to my speaker on phone being skunked.
Ummmm Mr Shuster, you have been offered said unit for 80 clams.
We have been known (my buddy and i) to help each other out at times and he felt obliged what can i say!
The offer is there, if you don't grab it i will. I did however ask on YOUR behalf.

Pm me bro.
Great shot SD. Almost feels like we are there!

From what the beginning of the "Amazing Pics" thread said, it was supposed to be turned into a forum to post everyone's great pepper shots. I think it kinda fell off a bit. 2 days or so ago someone posted a new thread to find it, and now you are talking about a place for us to post pics. I think it would be great to have a forum heading for photography. Maybe in the lounge for non-pepper things and just sticky the "amazing pics" for pepper pron.

I recently got into it, and I know there are a few guys that are all about it. I know I will spend time in it.
I just a got a brand spankin' new camera, and I can't wait to learn how it works. gunslnger got me thinking... what about some photography? There's a lot of great photographers on THP, and others that maybe would like to learn (well I do). Plus it's fun.

I figured out today that this thing does panoramic's....

Here's a shot in the Methow Valley (WA), panning from the North (L) to the South (R).
There's some blurry points in the shot, but it was my 3rd panoramic shot ever.


Let's see what you've got! SHOOT IT!
NICE TRUCK!!!! is that 76???
Yeah MG, I was wanting to do an "off topic" (peppers) photography thread, and I haven't really seen any (I didn't look very hard).
If the powers that be think this thread should be combined w. Awesome Pics, that's cool, I just want a place to post pictures that we all seem to capture, and show off our photography!
Have some fun! I think nudes would be frowned upon LOL (unless you're wearing your merkin).

Prehensile, it's a '77 F-150 Explorer. When my dad passed, he left it to me, I have pictures of me driving that truck when I was 8! It's still a rock crawler!
Here we go Jim, man you live where lots of fun can be haed with pano's!
Pics taken w/ film cam 35mm Cannon AE-1 ....
Deck decompression chambers, backlit by a rig flare off during a well commissioning,
Three simultaneous shots...just liked the light play......
I did't mean to detract from your thread GS, you have a really cool thing going on over there Unda-da-sea!
That's a beautiful shot of the mill.
did you get that sunset shot from the Pirogue or on shore?
Beautiful shot, I love that shade of blue in the sky and reflected in the water.

Omri, good shots man. The second shot gave me the same feeling I had standing in front of the fence along the DMZ in Korea only without the weight of full battle rattle on.

I did't mean to detract from your thread GS, you have a really cool thing going on over there Unda-da-sea!
That's a beautiful shot of the mill.
You kiddin? NO detraction- I'd rather see other peoples pics!!!I just had a predinner tour
good stuff everyone!