pics Over Fertilized, or Too Much Water?

A little over a week ago, I fertilized my plants in pots; then a day later the rain started.  It rained almost everyday for about a week; hard driving rain.  Yesterday looking at my plants I noticed the new leaf growth is crinkly and my Tabasco has some white blotches on some of the leaves.  
I increased the fertilizer concentration to full strength, they were on half strength from seedlings until now.  I assumed
they would require more fertilizer since they were growing and starting to flower.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, this is my first time growing any kind of hots
or super hots and pretty much any kind of peppers other than Bells and Jalapenos. 

Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Yellow Moruga

Carolina Reaper
I think they are fine.... they didnt like all the rain.  My plants had a similar experience.  I had potted them up and moved them outside, then a few days later the temp dropped and I had to bring them all inside for 2 days, but they didnt have any light.  So after their 2 days in the dark I "set them back out in the sun," but then it began to rain for almost a week.  The plants didnt like that series of treatment at all, and became very rugged looking, but it helps to build their immune system.  In this case it is true that what doesnt kill the plant only makes it stronger and more resistant in the end.  Once the season gets going, everything will take off!!! Worry not!!
Before exposure to the elements: 
After exposure to the elements (wind, rain, sun, cold) :


Jimbo, those plants DO have early signs of fertilizer burn - that's what the "puckering" is about. Reduce the amount of fertilizer you use for a while and, if you really overdid it, flush them with plain water a few times to get the excess out of the soil. The leaves drooping a bit is from the force of the rain, given that they have been protected until now, and they will recover easily from that. The Moruga and Reaper have signs of sun scald - the whitish areas - and they'll recover from that just fine, since it's only small areas. (But note the scalded parts will not return to normal.) 
Dang, Noah, I hope those are old pics! You've been around long enough to know about the hardening off process, and your results with that plant tell why a gradual hardening off is important. The plant was pretty fortunate that the damage wasn't worse, as what's left is clearly healthy enough to survive.
Those arent old pics... and when you are dealing with 725 plants, even moving them from one place to anther actually takes most of the day.  They were in fact gradually hardened off, but like I said it only took 2 days of being in the dark followed by a week of being rained on with a cold rain to really hurt them in the early stages of the hardening off process.  There is nothing I could do about mother nature deciding to rain for a week.  Apparently thats what happened to this guy.  The type of symptoms his plant is showing are indicative of the same thing my plants went through, so advisng him to flush could be the opposite of what he needs to do.

Edit:  wooops I had posted a pic of a white hab in the second pic... I updated it to the peach bhut like the first pic.
jimbo53 said:
A little over a week ago, I fertilized my plants in pots; then a day later the rain started.  It rained almost everyday for about a week; hard driving rain.  Yesterday looking at my plants I noticed the new leaf growth is crinkly and my Tabasco has some white blotches on some of the leaves.  
I increased the fertilizer concentration to full strength, they were on half strength from seedlings until now.  I assumed
they would require more fertilizer since they were growing and starting to flower.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, this is my first time growing any kind of hots
or super hots and pretty much any kind of peppers other than Bells and Jalapenos. 

Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Yellow Moruga

Carolina Reaper
Geeme got you covered. Some overfertilization going on, but not a deal breaker. Just back off and they'll recover.