organic Organic Preen ???

So there seems to be two forms of Preen now.  Regular and Organic.  The idea behind both is that it inhibits germination.  So in theory, you either get your seeds going, weed, and then preen or you till the weeds under, preen it up, and then transplant into the preened soil. 

From what I understand, the organic stuff is the same as a much more affordable solution.  Maybe corn starch?  Anyone have a clue and has anyone used the organic stuff with any level of success?
Hey I'm willing to find a bug to solve my problems now.chemicals no....
So ya wanna shut me me down because I'm not into chemicals???.?
I am lost.  Organic preen is still at the garden stores.  I did a bit of reading and it is corn glutan that can be used.  Seems there is something in it that keeps seeds from germinating, that way it creates time released seeds in case one season droughts,some of the seed keep for next season.