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fermenting My first fermented hotsauce: Ancho-Jalapeno

Hi all,

I just finished making my first attempt at a fermented hot sauce. (I've actually only been at this hot sauce making thing for two weeks.) I followed this recipe: Ancho-Jalapeno Hot Sauce. It's basically jalapenos, carrots, and garlic fermented (I did eleven days) with some Mexican oregano, cumin, ancho chili powder, and apple cider vinegar thrown in at the end.

It turned out quite good. Nicely acidic, decently viscous, and a good depth of flavor. It is completely missing the "harshness" of the few non-fermented sauces I've tried to make. My only complaint is that the heat level is surprisingly mild. It had the heat level of a typical salsa you might find at a Mexican restaurant. Tabasco sauce is hotter. Still, very happy with my first result.

I will probably make this again (especially as in hindsight I made several beginners mistakes, one in particular allowed some kahm yeast to show up). I may fire-roast the jalapenos first. Probably will up the carrots a little and might add a "really spicy pepper" to up the heat.

Here it is:


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