hybrid My first ever superhot crossing success!!!

I tried to cross Bhut Indian Carbon with the 7-pot Douglah last year, as both plants had great phenotypes and were screaming hot. I didn`t think I`d been successful until finding this. I was hoping for a Bhut shape, with brown coloration. 
It`s not an original cross, nor is it groundbreaking in the slightest, but I`m still very excited about it! I give you The Biclah, F1.  :rofl:
I think Jedisushi`s point is just that we, as a pepper lovers, get a bit carried away with naming new crosses sometimes and I agree with him. I know Jedisuhi very well and he is just adding a point in a friendly way, nothing more.
It`s just exciting as hell to get something from a cross you`ve made and natural to want to name it. I`m not trying to do anything cool or interesting in a general sense, but just playing around. As such, I`ll just make sure the 2 partners in the cross and the generation number are with any labels. I refer to it as the Biclah in a very tongue-in-cheek way. 
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the great comments!!!
Congrats!  However, with a little more forethought you could have crossed the Bhut Indian Trinidad Carbon Hab x Douglah and had a cool pepper name! Now you're stuck with Biclah.  :rofl:
Seriously, how did you go about the cross pollination?  Do tell...
Good job btw and again, congrats!
I have to agree with what Jedisushi says....folk get really stressed over pod names !! Not just here, but everywhere i frequent. It is fun to cross breed, and most people take it as such....but a few don't.
Nice crosss Nigel enjoy it mate.
I actually like your name, Nigel, and there's really no limit on these things.

Weighing in on naming trends, I think names can be obnoxious, but people have the right to be obnoxious if they earned it (i.e. they successfully cross something in isolation). My personal preference for pepper naming has always been wherever the Venn diagram for cool sounding and scientifc overlap. The term euphonic comes to mind. I think Naga Jolokia has a euphonic name that both sounds pleasing, but is also exotic enough that it implies danger, and some recognition of scientific naming conventions.

I personally wasn't a fan of the Carolina Reaper's name (to its credit, it resembles classic images of the Grim Reaper so isn't totally impulsive), but Ed earned it, so he gets to call it whatever he wants. Ditto for Defcon 7 and Borg 9 (these sound like someone got stoned and thought their favorite comic would suffice). If it sounds like a heavy metal band (Carolina Reaper or Brain Strain), an action figure, or the name of a carnival ride, it often sounds like people are trying too hard, or don't mind being tacky (or worse, don't know they're being tacky). I think it becomes a problem if the name sounds gimmicky, and won't have staying power.

Again, this is all personal preference. But I prefer names like Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (to a name like Borg 9 for example). It adheres to more conventional naming methods, while staying appropriate to the origin and genetic profile of the actual pepper. Creative descriptions of physical traits have their place here too, which leaves a lot of room for creative license for things that still sound cool as they evoke strong images, but are appropriate - e.g. "Paper Lantern" Pepper. Between physical charcteristics, and geographic origin, the possibilities are endless.

If I ever succeeded in crossing some superhots, without knowing the parent cultivars, some generic first choices might employ latin translations. e.g. something like,
Calidum Diabolica, or Acerbum Iungendum. Or if using appearance and location, things like Kohima Fireant, Tobago Skullcap, Russet Noir,
7 Pot Coral Mantle, Trinidad Firebloom, Nariva Warhornet, Sumatran Tiger, and Bandipur Fly Wing to name a few.

Names aside, I'm really curious to see how this pepper matures. I'm guessing thin-walled can be expected given both parents, and the theoretical heat must be up there.