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condiment My Base Salsa

I first started getting into Salsa when my Tomatoes didnt last I got from the store, so I would make a gall bucket with 1L ACV as a preserve (25% of the batch), that way its fresh and don't have to worry about it. It evolved soon after.
I mix 50/50 or 75/25 tomatoes and Red Sweet Peppers depending how much I can get I also use this Organic Seasoning from Cosco that's surprisingly good. from their I then add, Parsley, Dill, Garlic, Always Basil depending what I had on hand. I grow lots of Basil since I love it, so theirs always a handful in their. Habaneros are the choice since I had lots from last year and I dried them, got almost non this year.
As I used it I would scoup out a Bowl and add depending what I was in the Mood for, Peanut Butter ( I like Peanut Satay sauce) is a popular one I like, I will also add shredded Smoked Cheddar in their as well. Been wanting to make a Vindaloo one lately.
I don't like cooking my sauces so I use allot of Apple Cider Vinegar with honey to balance it out unless I add a fruit like Dried Mango. Got some Prunes soaking right now for a project and then will try a Peach chutney after that. Love chutneys, used to eat Greys Mango Chutney in the 70's.
Thanks :)
A couple nights ago I did Cranberry Salsa.
Added Cranberry/Ginger/Honey Jam to 60% salsa base. Cranberry Jam basically Pressure Cooked with a touch of water so they don't burn then blitzed with raw Ginger and Honey to taste ( I like allot of Ginger) and right into Mason Jars, this was over a year old and very flavourful.
Added extra Basil that I cut up :)
Gotta say the sauce looks super. Wouldn't expect some of those ingredients you mentioned, particularly the dill but sounds interesting.