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condiment Maxed out salsa tub-


Business Member
We recently scaled up the salsa recipe, got a new chopper and a 48" spatula.  Every batch of salsa is a little different based on how much the onions have to be trimmed, the size of the cilantro bunches, etc.  Today, I think we hit the max for this mixing tub. 



Every once in a while, I'll give 'em a couple tubs with little extra something.  1 teaspoon habanero and 2 teaspoons Jonah 7 Pot per tub oughta do the trick!  :twisted:

169 tubs of love-

I'll be really happy tomorrow after they are delivered!
Dang!  Nachos is calling my name!  Time to send the 'Kid to the store~ 
AldenMiller said:
I visit western WA in August, I am assuming that's too far from you to get your salsa. :tear: 
Not Necessarily!  A road trip to the Methow Valley/Winthrop is a great day trip.  Depending on where you'll be on the wet west side :lol: Winthrop is a day trip or an overnight trip.  Winthrop IGA & Mazama Store carry it as well as other sauces. 
We recently scaled up the salsa recipe, got a new chopper and a 48" spatula.  Every batch of salsa is a little different based on how much the onions have to be trimmed, the size of the cilantro bunches, etc.  Today, I think we hit the max for this mixing tub. 
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Every once in a while, I'll give 'em a couple tubs with little extra something.  1 teaspoon habanero and 2 teaspoons Jonah 7 Pot per tub oughta do the trick!  :twisted:
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169 tubs of love-
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I'll be really happy tomorrow after they are delivered!
Dang!  Nachos is calling my name!  Time to send the 'Kid to the store~ 

AldenMiller said:
Seven hours each way from Long Beach.  I am there to fly kites on the beach, I will have to pass. :tear:
AH!  yea, that is a long trip.  We've gone to Ocean Shores several times, my bro has a trailer spot out there.  There's no fast way to get there and Long Beach is a bit further south.  BUT!!!!!  That just remined me!!!!!  RS67man is always there at the kite thing!  Makes some cool kite stakes.  You might connect with him while there. 
salsalady said:
AH!  yea, that is a long trip.  We've gone to Ocean Shores several times, my bro has a trailer spot out there.  There's no fast way to get there and Long Beach is a bit further south.  BUT!!!!!  That just remined me!!!!!  RS67man is always there at the kite thing!  Makes some cool kite stakes.  You might connect with him while there. 
RS67Man, that would be my friend Walt.  They call him West Coast Alden.  They call me East Coast Walt...