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Look at all these nightshade-free alternative spices to nightshades!

There is no possible way this can be serious.
Nightshade spice: Cayenne Pepper, substitute: Chili Powder
Nightshade spice: Chili Powder, substitute: Cayenne Pepper

But the site really does look like a serious site, looking over its other pages

You have to ask yourself, "How did they come up with this data in the first place?"
Maybe someone hacked them.
Anyone can post anything on the internet.

But I do wonder about the nightshade as most of the common ones (chile, tomato & potato) are endemic to the Americas and only spread around the world post Columbian Exchange but eggplant seems to be indigenous to India.
To appear at the top of Google, you just have to have a good SEO job done. It is not necessary for the information to be true. It's really sad, but that's how it is :banghead: