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heat Kicking the heat up

I'm looking to kick the heat up on the hot sauce I make because of my customers request. I do not want to change to much of the over all flavor profile mostly just want to run it up the scoville scale without killing people.
My sauce is more or less...
Fermented serrano and cayenne peppers in a 55 gallon drum
Roasted onions, garlic, carrots, pineapple, and mango.
It's cooked vinegar / fruit juice biased and the PH comes out between 3.8 to 4.1
A batch is about 85 gallons.
What I'm thinking is switching out part or all of the serrano for habanero. I don't know how many pounds of habanero would be needed for a 85 gallon batch.
Hello and  :welcome:  to THP!  I've never made sauce in that large of a quantity before so won't be much help but I'm sure someone will be able to help as we have some members here who make amazing sauces and are familiar with recipes that big. I do know that habanero and serrano taste different so changing a large part or all of the serrano for habanero would most likely change the flavor.
Welcome to THP uglyduck!  In my own recipes I've found that you can take heat up a notch or three by replacing about 1/3 to 1/2 of the 'milds' with hotter peppers.  So if you've got 20 pounds of ripe serranos you'd replace about 7-10 lbs of them with the habs.  Your heat will definitely step up - but know that your overall flavor profile is going to change a little bit too.  If you're looking to only add heat and change nothing I'd suggest you contact Ann at Texas Creek to obtain some of her Pure Evil - a tasteless capsaicin only product she makes.  Using that will easily bump the heat without changing your sauce taste or flavor profile at all.  Best of luck with your sauce, and welcome to the best pepper place on the nets!  :)
Thanks for the referral Smokenfire. 
:welcome: to THP uglyduck.  Contact me if you're interested in Pure Evil.  It's being used by other sauce makers as well as chocolatiers, beverage makers and several wing challenge places.
I just wanted t thank you'll for your comments again. After talking to my restraint staff I decided.
We are going to switch out 3lbs of dried serrano and 3lbs of dried cayenne with 6 pounds habanero. Once we make a batch and find out what it's we will print labels.
Welcome to THP uglyduck. Good luck on your new mix.
Just thought I would add, there are other superhots that don't have the distinct flavor of habaneros although you may not be able to find the volume you might need commercially. Having said that, there are a few people in this forum that do grow large amounts of very tasty non-mainstream peppers you might want to look into. Spend some time and have a look around :party: