container I planted too many jalapeno plants in one container, is it too late?

I recently planted my first ever jalapeno peppers. I've never done anything like this before, so I made a dumb mistake (i think). I filled a large container with potting soil, and added a whole bunch of seeds to it. It's hard to imagine at first how fast these plants grow and how large they get, but  I'm now left with waaay too many plants in one pot and they're getting too big.
Is there anything against growing them like this, and if so is it too late to move them to separate containers? Any advice as to how to do so?




You can probably arrange for separate pots for each, then spray water on the root cluster to rinse out the potting mix, and carefully work them apart, and then re-pot them each in a new pot with new soil. Keep them watered in a garage or out of full sun for a few days, then begin to introduce them into your growing environment and climate.  I have had great luck with young plants with this method, but it is still an option on more mature juvenile plants.
Chorizo set you straight about trying to part them out.  If you don't want to separate the plants then cull (cut) the smallest/weakest looking plants so there are max two plants left in that particular container.  If you choose to cull the plants in that container, save the ones that are the largest and have the most leaves.
Thanks for the replies guys! I'm gonna combine the advice I got form Chorizo and Smokenfire, 'culling' the weaker looking plants (we're talking about involuntary euthanization right?), and using a water spray to rinse down the roots of the stronger ones to then move them to a separate pot.
@DontPanic, its just some generic potting soil I bought for less than a euro at my local supermarket. It's indeed doing well though :)
Do I use fertilizer for plants like these? or do I just stick to water.
Clearly the potting soil you bought has fertilizer already in it, so you won't need to fertilize them for awhile.  It's hard to say when you'll need to, too many factors.  I like to let the plant tell me when it needs more fertilizer. 