I feel so lucky ;-)

I haven't had a very good season this far with weather, aphids and white flies. Most of my peppers died so I didn't feel very lucky. :mope:
Then yesterday in a Danish paper called Den Blå Avis (the blue paper owned by eBay) I saw an advertisement for some pepper plants. I sent a text to the guy and he still had 4 left for sale. I sent my favorite husband (my only husband ;) ) to pick them up.
So here are my new babies:
Red Savina

Habanero Cappuccino

Orange Lantern

Sunset Glow

The reason why I feel so lucky is that I've never had these before. So these plants are totally new to me and I hope for at lot of nice peppers and seeds.
What I've tasted of orange lantern has been very good.  One of my favorites!  Looks like the pods are progressing nicely on those!  Especially the Red Savina!
Check the plants thoroughly, that's how I got aphids last season.
Oh man! I thought you were a guy! Imagine how the word husband felt onto me :shocked:

lucilanga said:
Oh man! I thought you were a guy! Imagine how the word husband felt onto me :shocked:
Well we've got a lot of guys who have husbands here in Denmark, but I'm not one of them I think :rofl: . Besides I'm pretty sure my husband of 28 years wouldn't like it too much. ;)
Congratulations on your revived season and the 28 years!  Those aphids can be a real pain as they were for me early this year too.
I celebrate my 27th year in a few weeks on the upcoming July 4th. 
Enjoy those cool plants!
how do you get rid of aphids by the way?  I got a spray thats like soapy water, but they seem to ome back and hide in the greenery.
Those are nice looking plants, I wish mine were that big. They look like they are in 1 gallon containers which is a bit small for plants that size I would water them good and replant them in 5 gal containers or larger if you have the room, Do you plan to overwinter them? if so I would just leave them in the 1 gallon containers. You sure are lucky to find some nice plants like them, I feel your pain about the aphids and white flies, Been there more times than I like to think about it.
Thank you. 3 of the plants are actually in 10 liter buckets and only one is in a smaller container (probably abt 3 liters).
If they do well I hope to overwinter them.
Wow, none of the nurseries or box stores around here sell cool varieties like that, and no one here Sella anything close to that developed its all 2-1\2 to 4" starter pots!post
It wasn't a nursery I bought them from. It was a guy who had sown more of each seed and these were the extras that he didn't have room for. And that was my luck ;) And as you can see he'd taken great care of them.
Den Blå Avis is probably more like Craigslist. Just a lot of ads for anything you can imagine mostly from private people but also a little from companies..
Have you check the roots yet ? Everything okey dokey down there ?
You should probably transplant the 3L pot asap, assuming you still have something left of this season.