pics Huzzah, peppers. Trin Scorp + Choc Hab, finally. [Few pics]

Not gonna get fat off my pepper harvest this year, but I'm getting a few.  2 or 3 more Trinidad Scorpions left to ripen, and 4 or so chocolate habs.
I ate one trinidad scorpion pepper whole, just to have the experience.  Once is enough.  For anybody contemplating doing this, a bit of advice.  It's really not the burning in the mouth that's the problem, manly men can outmanly that in all sorts of manly ways.  Hold it in your mouth and bench press a stripper while riding a Harley at 100 mph all you want, it's when you swallow and allow the undiluted heat into your throat/nose/airway that you realize you have made a decision that carries unavoidable consequences.
Chocolate habs and trinidad scorpions taste great in an omelette though.  I touched the tip of my thumb to my tongue two days later and still felt a burn, so if you cut them without gloves you should probably avoid touching any body parts that nature intended to have only nice things happen to.  Especially on your significant other.



Wulf said:
Chocolate habs and trinidad scorpions taste great in an omelette though.  I touched the tip of my thumb to my tongue two days later and still felt a burn, so if you cut them without gloves you should probably avoid touching any body parts that nature intended to have only nice things happen to.  Especially on your significant other.
Luckily (depends on how you look at it) I have only done this to myself.  Also luckily (no matter how you look at it) it was only a red hab.