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preservation How Much Red Wine Vinegar do I need to add?

I'm making a small batch of sauce tomorrow, but I can't find my P.H. tester.  I like to follow Salaslady's advice and keep the P.H. <4.0.  I haven't finalized the ingredients yet, but this is basically what is going in:
6 Yellow 7 Pot Pods
10-12 Pimenta de Neyde Pods
8 Ounces of Dried Cranberries
Either more cranberries or some other fruit like Blueberries
1-3 Limes
A little Sugar
A little Salt
Red Wine Vinegar
How much of the Red Wine Vinegar do I need for the sauce to have a safe P.H. <4.0?
D3monic said:
The limes alone will probably bring you well under target PH. 
Never tried red wine vinegar in sauce... curious as to how it would taste. 
I've never tried it either—I'll let you know how it works out.  I'll probably start a thread tomorrow or Sunday, after I make the sauce.
Rymerpt said:
I would add just enough to form a liquid. Maybe 1/2 cup
Interesting.  I wasn't planning on adding that much.  I usually just add a lot of water to the blender before pureeing  (much more than is necessary for the sauce) and more to the pot.  I then boil it off until I have a consistency that I like.  I'll probably start off adding less and give it some taste tests along the way.