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preservation How do you smoke your peppers

What's the best way to smoke peppers(besides just lighting one end of a dried out cayenne and puffing :D ).

One time I put some serranos on the grill and forgot to poke holes in them and they turned into little grenades because of the pressure, and blew up. :D
I tried smoking some in my smoker but there's too much grease in there. They came out tasting like...well..grease.

I'd like to rig up a little smoker just for peppers. I think it's pretty easy to make one out of a metal garbage can.

And yeah, ya need to slit the sides...which also lets more smoke in. Or so I've heard.
I think most people are trying to reproduce chipotle when they smoke chiles.

Temperatures over 110F will cook the chile and not smoke it very much. With low temps, it takes at least 2 days to smoke a xalapa which is relatively thick-skinned.
I use a brinkman vertical smoker and I usually smoke them for around 8 hours at 100f or so. After that I take them and stick them in the dehydrator to finish them off. I prefer using apple or pecan wood for the smoking. It's not as harsh as some of your hardwoods and the chiles don't end up smelling / tasting like Tina's burned out kitchen.
I do not know much about smoking peppers, but I make a mean smoked pork BBQ and what I am using at the moment is a "Camerons Stovetop Smoker" It is an amazing product that you can use indoors and they have a great selection of woods to do your smoking with. Just a thought. Hope it helps someone.
chiliman said:
... what I am using at the moment is a "Camerons Stovetop Smoker" It is an amazing product that you can use indoors and they have a great selection of woods to do your smoking with. Just a thought. Hope it helps someone.

here it is being used to smoke a tomato (?)

My first go at Smoking Peppers

Yesterday I smoked my first batch of Habs (red and orange) and Tabascos. Along with my pepper mash I hope to come up with a kick ass sauce.
I'd like to post some pix- how do I do that?
imaguitargod said:
(besides just lighting one end of a dried out cayenne and puffing :lol: ).

George smokes peppers! ;)

on a serious note though, I know nothing about smoking peppers, but am interested and will try next year.
I just got done smoking 7lb of mix chilies I grow 50 kinds and smoke some of each at about 100'or less for 12hr then finish in the dehydrator till they rattle I use apple or cherry wood.I have a Grill Master Smoking Pit

I've tried to smoke a couple batches of jalpenos this year. Seems to work best to but them in a gas grill at the lowest setting. Split the peppers, put them on the top rack. Lay a cast iron griddle over the burner, putting soaked hickory chips on it (it is covered with aluminum foil with holes poked in it). Cook them for about five hours then bring them in and finish them in a dehydrator. Grind them in a coffee mill (fine setting) to make powder to either add to food or use to make hot sauce.
the link IF this pic doesnt show


this is very simalar to the smoker i use. offset fire box. keep the vent almost closed and the chimeny almost closed and the fire very low, adding soaked hickory every 30 minutes i was able to smoke a bunch of peppers and garlic in about 6 hours. then i had to dehydrate them since i am making smoked powder... give POTAWIE a week and maybe he can say how it turned out, but shhhhh dont tell him, its a secret :lol:
when i put the peppers in the smoker they are cut in half and spread out on screens (splatter screens for frying pans).

hope that helps. it sure makes great smoked powder :(:onfire:
Nice.:) I do mine pretty much the same as you Mike but for just a little longer.

I've got two smokers now and the offset firebox is much better for smoking peppers than the vertical propane, but I use it for large batches and for meat.;)
cutting the peppers in half greatly reduces the needed smoking time. I get a nice smoke flavor for my smoked jalapenos in 30 minutes with fairly heavy smoke.
Does anyone mix the dried powder/flakes with seasoning ? I was thinking of mixing the powder with black (course) ground pepper, salt, garlic powder, paprika,onion powder, seasoning salt and celery salt.
Or some sort like rub mixture ... Like a Montreal Grill Seasoning
Does anyone mix the dried powder/flakes with seasoning ? I was thinking of mixing the powder with black (course) ground pepper, salt, garlic powder, paprika,onion powder, seasoning salt and celery salt.
Or some sort like rub mixture ... Like a Montreal Grill Seasoning

H3ck yeah brother!!! I have a couple different mixes. Last night I fried up some sausgae and baked potato with a mixture blend of Habbanerro, Garlic, Oregano, pepper, and sea salt. yum yum!
black (course) ground pepper, salt, garlic powder, paprika,onion powder, seasoning salt and celery salt.

Isn't it redundant to put paprika in a hot pepper mix? Or were you going to use a sweet paprika?
I've always done chipotles by putting fully ripened in my rinky dink dehydrator for about 8 hours then finishing on my offset smoker for about 4 hours.
Pam said:
Isn't it redundant to put paprika in a hot pepper mix? Or were you going to use a sweet paprika?

Sweet Paprika ... but a Hot paprika would work well too... Mostly its more for appeal of color with flavor and besides some of us like to have it hotter than what any paprika can dish out.

and thats a good idea too LSC -- easier to do that way in half the time....