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Hot-N-Heavy 2010

Here it comes!!

Paul's freezer has reached capacity........so it MUST be time to can some peppers!!! :dance:

This year, I grew 5 orange habanero plants and 3 cayennes. I've mainly been dehydrating my habaneros for powder...like this:


But, I did manage to stuff some of the little beauties into gallon-size freezer bags......along with the cayennes:


Sooooooooo.....whithout any further delay......let the mayhem commence!


Into the SS sink we go for de-stemming. Just look at those little beauties!!


YESSSSSSS.......396 orange rectal bombs.......and they're ALL MINE!!!

How do I know there are 396?


Because I COUNTED them!!!


Here's a gratuitous shot of my 60's model Waring blender and ANOTHER 100 habs drying in the RONCO:


to be continued....
Chapter Three:

Cayenne Powder

Here we go!

Theres are the peppers that are STILL in the RONCO:


AAAAAAAaaaand here are the dried ones!


Pulling the tops off the dried pods......and sipping on a tasty beverage:


Into the grinder with you!


Comes out looking like this:


Here is the morning's haul.....I'm saving some whole dried pods for decoration, garnish, and Asian stir fry:


Just look at that beautiful color!


I love it!!! :cool:
Gorgeous, Pauly! Absolutely GORGEOUS!

And the peppers look nice also~~~


I just drank a shot of Hell Fire Hot Sauce brine!

My heart stopped beating for what seemed like a lifetime.

In a couple of hours I get the real pleasure as it comes out the other end sitting on the throne. I always loved that 2nd burn.
I've just started growing my first chilles and been eating up the growing threads. As they are slowly growing it got a bit boring and I was thinking about what to do IF (big IF !) I got a wagon full of peppers in the end.

Then I found this thread.... :eek:

The end is just the beginning!!!!

Nice posts ! :onfire:
I've just started growing my first chilles and been eating up the growing threads. As they are slowly growing it got a bit boring and I was thinking about what to do IF (big IF !) I got a wagon full of peppers in the end.

Then I found this thread.... :eek:

The end is just the beginning!!!!

Nice posts ! :onfire:

Thank you!!!

You should see LAST year's entry! :lol: