Hello from Valamas (Mike) in Australia / NSW


I am growing in coco/perlite pots. I have around 60 varieties and a few duplicates growing (like Jalapeno for poppers!). It is spring here and my first flowers and fruits are coming. I am about to taste my first Hungarian Hot Wax, black and yellow varieties.

I am growing in a double shed where I have removed the roof corrugated iron sheets and replaced them with clear sheets. The iron sheets I have turned in to drain tables with a gutter and catch bucket. These plants sit on the drain tables at a good height for managing the plants. I feed with liquid fertiliser, CalMag and have pH and EC pens. I monitor the runoff from the pots.

I germinate my seeds in 50 cell trays, in plastic containers with a lid and heat mats, temperature regulator and spider farmer lights in a smaller room attached to the house. I germinate during June/July (which is approximately Jan/Feb for the northern friends).

Once I have the welcome and acceptance from the admin passed, I will post some photos of my setup.

I am interested in hearing from other aussies and it would be great to have some seed swaps. I joined because of the following article by MGR. It is good to find people doing similar things.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.