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Has anyone been in contact with a pepper daemon?

oldsalty said:
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
The age of aquarius is in the bible.
Don Juan.....wasnt the author outed as a fraud for being in the uni library at the same time he was supposedly spending time out with the Donnie?
Heckle said:
People that would be offended by pictures of pepper daemons prolly wouldnt be reading a thread with "pepper daemons" in the title. Enough with the excuses already.
Well see when I say it might "disturb" so people, I wasn't really particularly worried about offending them. 'Disturbed' was more of a polite / indirect / i don't want to talk about it way   to say that real spirits have real power, and because it's a real picture, the spirit in the picture may have real power. Real spiritual power is not something to be approached without understanding/caution. I don't want to introduce people to real spirits, even if indirectly through a picture, that might not otherwise have desired that kind of understanding.
Without explaining too deeply, I can use another cross-cultural example. Among the northwest coast native americans / indians, the call to become a shaman was often viewed with terror and great trepedation. Plant spirits, like most kinds of spirits, are not necessarily (though they may be in some cases) all about the positivity.
Most people will probably assume off-hand that I am talking BS, because they have not had the experiences I have had, or seen the things that I have seen, or had the connection with spirits I have had, so they will want to see the picture out of curiosity. Curiosity is probably a bad way to be introduced to the reality of spirits/elementals/daemons.
... but I can probably PM a few of you the picture. Maybe? Still deciding.
Penis pics or gtfo
PepperDaemon said:
 I don't want to introduce people to real spirits, even if indirectly through a picture, that might not otherwise have desired that kind of understanding.
I shouldnt have to point out the thread title again.
Didnt you already introduce people to these "real spirits" just by posting the thread, even if indirectly?
You reach more people just by posting the thread than you will by anything actually inside the thread. Now we all know there are pepper daemons but those of us who want to see one still have nothing but an excuse thats already been mooted.
Heckle said:
I shouldnt have to point out the thread title again.
Didnt you already introduce people to these "real spirits" just by posting the thread, even if indirectly?
You reach more people just by posting the thread than you will by anything actually inside the thread. Now we all know there are pepper daemons but those of us who want to see one still have nothing but an excuse thats already been mooted.
Introducing by concept is one thing. When introduced by concept you can go out and try to make communication with plant spirits on your own / read about them / whatever.
Introducing by real exposure, as through a picture, is quite another. It may be the case that the picture is simply a visual representation of a spirit (I am assuming plant spirit, but it could be an elemental, general spirit of another type, astral entity, or even what might best be called an elf or a fairy). It may be the case that the spirit doesn't mind being seen by anybody who wants to see it.
But with a spirit, it's hard to really know until after the fact (for me, at least).
Anyway, I already said I would probably PM the image to those who want to see it. Just understand what I am saying.

Shorerider said:
I'd still like to see it, either here, or as Hogleg suggested via PM.

Really, can you please explain why?

I was first introduced to this million dollar challange about five or six years ago, I think. A number of people were talking about it on another online forum. I got the general impression from all of the comments I read that the people who give the test make the conditions to pass so difficult that it would never realistically be proven that an acceptable occult phenomenon occured. Of course, this was only second-hand hearsay.
I have seen a thing or two that would have won me that million dollars if those things could be easily replicated. They can't. The circumstances in which the events occurred were very spiritual in nature but would be very difficult to cause to happen on command in a controlled environment.
oldsalty said:
Very interesting Daemon!! Very informative will research this more. And I do talk to my plants don't know if there are any benefits but it is very calming. :) and my garden looks great! So I'm sticking with it!
hogleg said:
Haaa Haaa haaaa. That vid just reminded me of a Peyote button I was friends with a long time ago.
same one Jimmy Morrison was friends with ? lol 
Well, Ooookay! I tried to warn all of you about the potential hazards of coming into contact with a plant spirit. But you insisted! Here's the pic of the real pepper daemon that all of you wanted...  If you look really close, you can see it on the upper left-hand corner of the leaf. This is a real image of a banana pepper plant, unaltered in any way - I took this last year. When I went to develop the pic, I saw the pepper daemon on it. I was terrified!
That's LAME.
PepperDaemon said:
Well, Ooookay! I tried to warn all of you about the potential hazards of coming into contact with a plant spirit. But you insisted! Here's the pic of the real pepper daemon that all of you wanted...  If you look really close, you can see it on the upper left-hand corner of the leaf. This is a real image of a banana pepper plant, unaltered in any way - I took this last year. When I went to develop the pic, I saw the pepper daemon on it. I was terrified!
 I don't wanna play with you anymore.