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greenhouse Greenhouse temperature swings

I am growing some chinense seedlings in an 8X12 foot greenhouse. with our temps down here in deep south Texas, the greenhouse can be over 100 degrees in the daytime, and down to about 60 at night. This is the first year I have have had access to this greenhouse and my plants are growing faster than I have ever seen. The greenhouse, seems to magnify the light, keeps out the high winds, and still allows the plant plants to cool off at night.

Is the higher temperature spreads making the plants grow faster? I realize that in the summer the plants cannot be kept in the greenhouse, it will be too hot. For now though, it is a very interesting experiment and the results are great.
I don't see a problem there since the night temps cool them down. I have had swings from 102 down to 48 at night and mine just sucked it up and went nuts.

Show some pics of them babies if you get a chance.

My previous experiences, mostly outdoors. We have very little winter here.

Hey Armac... would you say the plants are growing faster or do you think they are stretching?
We grow in a similar size greenhouse during these cooler months and find the plants are stretching due to the angle/ amount of sunlight.
We also experience temp swings similar to yours, without any detrimental effects to the plants.
Regards, Chris
No stretching just full chinense plants, they are beautiful. I put the plants in 2 weeks ago during a cold snap and the have transitioned well with the warming temps. I had some other plants that had been in the yard, after putting them in the hot greenhouse they drooped right away. It seems the first plants have acclimated well to the extreme temps.
FYI, in my applied sciences/greenhouse management classes, we learned that greenhouses do not magnify light. They diffuse it.

It's that diffusion of light that is beneficial to plants. Plants do not necessarily need "maximum" light (a common misconception) - they need evenly spread light. Diffusion is scattered light waves - small intense beams of light break apart and are spread more evenly throughout a greenhouse. (of course this is also dependant on other factors, like whether the glass has been treated, or whitewashed).

Think of it like driving in a thick fog with your high beams on. Your headlights make a wall of light in front of your car making it almost impossible to see, or tell where the light is coming from. Same thing happens, to a degree, in the greenhouse.

Direct light is worse for plants, because it is more intense, and creates both shadows and intensely burning rays. The diffused light is not directional - it scatters and spreads uniformly, seeming to come from many directions, which is the best kind of lighting for plants (and photography, btw). Plants photosynthesize using the light at the edges of the visible spectrum on both sides (e.g. the red and blue parts of the spectrum). Diffused light is more beneficial to photosynthesis because the light "bends" around the corners and reaches the lower leaves more than direct light which creates shadows on the plants when it hits the upper canopy.

Additionally, when light is diffused, it helps to prevent hot spots in a greenhouse, improving the consistency of your climate control, and thus providing optimal temperature ranges - or at least evenly disbursed temperatures so that all of your plants grow consistently, further benefitting production.

Your best lighting is full spectrum evenly spread light. This is exactly the effect that a greenhouse has on lighting (again, depending on treatment of the glass or polymer), and why plants respond so well to it.

If memory serves, a milky white coating will provide the best diffusion - to the naked eye the lighting will appear dimmer, but to the plants, this is the best way to provide the usable spectrum for photosynthesis.

Hope this helps.
I have no greenhouse experience ,,but I am thinking if the lows in there are not getting below 50F,,,you should be gold!

Isn't it natural? Can't see how it would do any harm seeing as peppers grow wild without caring parents like us
Isn't it natural? Can't see how it would do any harm seeing as peppers grow wild without caring parents like us

I do not see how raising plants in a glass house is natural, in the wild they are not enclosed, hence the question.
I mean plants in the wild have colder night time temps mate.. Can't see a problem unless it dips way low.

Obviously in captivity we give them the best possible conditions.
Not the seedlings but here are some various chinense...


2 brown 7 pot pods just picked

They will be fine. With the swing in tempreture that large, they will just grow a little slower since the temps at times are below 70