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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It’s warm throughout most of the country for a few more days - just a taste of summer. Monday errands and a trip to the CG to see what needs to be done. I potted 2 roses for daughter yesterday, if they last a few years I’ll be happy. Not my favorite plant.
Enjoy your day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's 68F on its way to 85F. Cloudy and very warm. Risk for severe T-Storms tonight. @DR: SKC matches are normally played at Children's Mercy Park in Kansas City, Kansas which is SKC's home stadium and holds 21K fans. They moved Saturday's match to Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri (home of the Chiefs) to capitalize on the Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez draw. So, it was an atypical match.
I have one meeting at 0900 today and then I'm going to be futzing until late afternoon. After that, I'm heading to a neighboring county to hunt morel mushrooms with some dudes from my old work. We'll most likely consume a few adult beverages while there. Meatloaf tonight. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 51F, on its way to 75F. Should be a beautiful day. Didn't do any of the things planned yesterday, ha. Decided to do maintenance on Kubota. The first mow of the year is imminent. Plan on going to get lumber for shed floor this morning, then work on it this afternoon. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and watch out for the pollen, yikes!
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Good morning. Cooler, maybe snow in the mtns., rain here. WX has a lot of maybes. I’m hoping to mix soil for transplant later if the weather cooperates. We still have 4-6 weeks before plant out, waiting for snow in May. Downriver, I saw VA had some hail, hope that wasn’t you.
Have a great day, stay safe. Spring weather can be a bit harsh at times.
Good morning. It's 67F on its way to 81F. Warm, very windy with strong thunderstorms. Working for a few hours this morning and then I'm headed back up north to hunt morel mushrooms. Found ~50 mushrooms yesterday. Moe Moe (the 23# male cat) is getting a new glucose monitor attached to him this morning while we continue to work on getting his insulin managed. Not much else is happening. Grilling a pork loin and some asparagus this evening. I ran into a bunch of that pollen yesterday ..... it's thick! Also, had to pick off a few ticks last night. Seems like they're thick this year. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Going to Flatwoods to ride this morning. I do have a couple small errands and chores but i believe most of the afternoon is going to be spent playing guitar. Going to hit 90 today, wont see a low below mid 70s for several months at this point. have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 58F on its way to 84F. Breezy this morning; otherwise, sunny and warm. Meetings this morning. Mowing this afternoon. Had to water and setup the fans for my tomato starts as they all wilted overnight. Grilling salmon this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. The neighbor had a landscape crew re-doing his garden so yesterday we replanted what he dug up to save for flowers. Hopefully half of the plants will survive. Next month he will buy annuals to give more color to his yard, a fun time spent with a non-gardener.
Enjoy your day. Give your pets an extra hug. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 58F, on its way to 77F. Showers and/or a thunderstorm possible. Got most of the grass cut yesterday. Also bought the lumber and cut all the joists to length. Hope to swing the hammer a little bit today. Might finish the grass, if it doesn't rain. No hail here, Catherine, but it wasn't far away.:shocked: Glad we were spared. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and grab a tool and make some noise!
Morning chickens, Thursday is here with her whiff of weekend and I have a day off.
Already made a couple of cakes for the charity shop, I should be outside potting up chilli plants ready to take to our Spring fair, but nah, too cold and wet out there, although this p.m. promises to be dry.
And that's all my plan for today.
Have a good Thursday, keep dry, warm and smile :D
Good morning. It's sunny and 56F, on its way to 77F. Should be a pretty day. Lowes had bagged mulch on sale, 5 for $10. Picked up 5 bags yesterday and delivered to BIL. Now, he needs to get out there and spread it, lol. Got the floor finished for the shed. Next up, actually try to build it, ha. Might work on that today a bit, and finish cutting the grass, which I didn't do yesterday. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 64F with morning showers and the temperature is dropping. It will be in the mid 50s later this afternoon and windy. Mowed everything yesterday (4.5 hours). I've got one meeting this morning and then a buddy and I are heading north to hunt mushrooms again. Brinner this evening. Beverages this afternoon/evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 30-41F with light showers. Potted up most of the peppers yesterday while it was warmer. Not too many, just enough for family and a swap. Today’s a good day for more banana bread, that’s going to a dear friend. Maybe I’ll save a few mini loaves for hubby. Too cold and wet, so I’ll work on the basement again. So much to remove.
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy the WX guessers predictions for the weekend. Hope it includes sunshine.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 54F, on its way to 69F. Maybe a shower this afternoon. Hey Boss, I think we got a poser. Somebody sayin they're JayT. But wait! Could it possibly be? Dayum! Anyway, finally got all the grass cut yesterday. Did some trimming and whacking as well. Still more to do, but looks a lot better now. Need to take Ellie to the Vet this morning to have her stitches removed. That will be interesting. Need to run a few errands, then home and futz. Catherine, PLEASE don't send any of that 30F stuff this way. Boy, that sounds awfully cold to me now, lol. Hope everybody has a fantastic Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 42F on its way to 61F. Cloudy and cool. I think some of Catherine's Colorado temps have escaped this way. Yesterday, went mushroom hunting in a cold and windy rainstorm. Found 22 nice big yellow morels .... probably our best quality haul of the season. Not much going on today. Some office work for a couple of hours and then futzing. Grilling burgers this evening. Beverages this afternoon/evening. Be safe and be good.