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favorite First Flower on My Favorite Plant

Don't let this get around to the other peppers but I've fallen in love with my big Red Savina. From the very beginning it has been a faster grower and has just looked good. A little tall and lean but I like 'em that way. She has produced the first flower of the season for me, would have been a lot earlier but I've been pinching buds. Anyway I thought I would show her off a little, make everyone jealous.

Here's the little flower:


Here's my girl in all her glory!


Anyone else have a favorite they want to show off?
Wow, that baby is long and lean. Nice looking plant. My Red Savinas started out like a house of fire but slowed down considerably due to aphids and some rockwool issues. I have 3 now from a January start and the largest is maybe 8 inches. They have a lot of leaves, but are just compact. Hopefully they'll stretch a little now that they are out in the sun. 2 are already in 5 gal pots, the other will be in dirt soon.
Good luck with them bigt. It's amazing what some sun can do.

This one is finally starting to split up top, right where the flower is.I cannot wait to get it outside into the unfiltered sun.

The Red Savina is the hottest pepper I've had the nerve to eat--so far.:)