soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

This may be a dumb question but wasn't brought up to the OP.  Were you pollinating your flowers at all?  That could be a reason your plants weren't producing.  
Jamison said:
This may be a dumb question but wasn't brought up to the OP.  Were you pollinating your flowers at all?  That could be a reason your plants weren't producing.
Yes I was pollinating. Flicking individual flowers and shaking the whole plant. None took though. I had cayennes and reapers side by side in the same DWC water. The 2 cayennes spit out pods like crazy but the 2 reapers didn't spit out one. I think super hots are much more picky...
R1dreamer said:
Yes I was pollinating. Flicking individual flowers and shaking the whole plant. None took though. I had cayennes and reapers side by side in the same DWC water. The 2 cayennes spit out pods like crazy but the 2 reapers didn't spit out one. I think super hots are much more picky...
I've had great success with a spray bottle and giving the plants a light misting of Epsom salt once a week/every other week. Make sure to spray directly into the flower. Also helps keep the plants nice and green.

R1dreamer said:
Is it true that Hydro pods will never taste as good as soil(less)?
Taste is subjective, but absolutely yes, it is true. :D

R1dreamer said:
Sometimes I dream about living in Florida where I could grow outside to my hearts content. Unfortunately i have 8 months of winter.

Maybe half my plants in coco or soil and the other half in DWC?
A poting mix rich in trace elements and with maximum root growth (like in a cloth pot/air pot) seems to make the best tasting food, in general.
I live in Florida, and when peppers stop producing for us in the winter, (relatively speaking) I have grown peppers indoors.  I tried everything that has been suggested, including adding seaweed/kelp to the nutrient solution, and they never tasted quite right.  Potted plants for me, any day of the week.  Organic grow, also.  More work upfront, way less work in the long run, if you keep it going.
I'm currently growing all dwc indoors under 1000w Hps lighting. Using the flora grow series, most of my plants are around 6' tall with a few pods here and there. Lots of flowers though. I do the shake and tap with the same amount coming out. I have a buddy that is growing a lot more plants outside in 5 gallon buckets using Miracle Grow and is throwing off tons of pods. I keep the temps consistent and everything the same. Not sure why that is. I was thinking to much nitrogen as well so i switched to the lucas formula to see if that helps. 2 weeks in after switching and I'm getting lots of flower drop so I'll be switching back to 1 1 1. Plants are around 5 months old