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dried Dried some supermarket habs

Started out like this:


Then this:


Now this:

Beautiful habs! That's a really good idea for when I find a good bunch of habs @ the store. Did you dry them in the oven? What temperature & for how long?
ImpyChick said:
Beautiful habs! That's a really good idea for when I find a good bunch of habs @ the store. Did you dry them in the oven? What temperature & for how long?

No I left them out for a few weeks. A bit of an eye sore on the counter top but they dried okay. I really need to get a food dehydrator. ;)
worlok said:
Mine don't seem to be crumbly enough though. How to you grind them?

Yours are not dry enough.

Dry them until they feel brittle.
If they break when you apply some pressure, they're ready for grinding.

TIP: For faster drying, cut the peices smaller
Me, I just put 'em in my toaster overn on the lowest setting possible...about 100-140F until they broke when I bent them which was about 2-3 hrs or so. YMMV.

I posted it somewhere here, but cant remember atm. :)

Ground up in a spare coffee grinder that's just for spices.
worlok said:
I don't have a toaster oven - but I bet it's cheaper than a purpose built food dehydrator. Hmmmm. :idea:

IDK what you have available, but ya can't go too wrong with a Excalibur or Nesco dehydrator..prolly around $30 and up.

Heck, ya could do like me and my dad back in the 70's and build yer own outa screening, wood, and some 75w bulbs... ;)
QuadShotz said:
Heck, ya could do like me and my dad back in the 70's and build yer own outa screening, wood, and some 75w bulbs... ;)

Uh, you ever hear of that guy who likes to sit under the tree drinking a cold beverage while other people do complicated work?

I'm that guy. :lol:

I'll go for the cheapest store bought solution. ;)

My wifes pregnant just now so I haven't been getting that lucky lately, I reckon that hab on the left is looking pretty good at the moment...oops or have I been drinkin way too much :drunk: LOL
Since I'm pepper poor, I've been buying yellow habs at the store, remove the seeds of course, and cut them into small pieces. I spread them on Parchment paper, and put them on a baking sheet and into the oven at it's lowest setting of 180 degrees(that's fahrenheit for all of you non Yanks haha). I leave the oven door cracked open, and their mostly dry in a couple of hours. Then I place them on top of the oven over night to cool down and dry out some more. If i need to repeat it the next evening, it's just for 30 minutes or so. And, i save the parchment paper for when i make toasted sandwiches. It's been pretty cold here in Minnesota this winter, so the open oven door wasn't completely wastefull. I've done the same with Jalepenos, Serranos, and Red Fresnos, and mixed them up for a nice pepper blend.