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flavor Do different starters change the flavor?

Hi from Canada!!

This is my first post :) I have been reading posts on the thehotpepper.com for months now.... I might have read all the posts on mash making. I have tried a couple of mash's with Scotch Bonnets and have wondered if the accelerator changes the taste. For example does using just salt without an accelerator differ from using whey? Or does hooch have a different taste compared to whey or just salt. What is your experience with one accelerator compared to another ....or without?

BTW great site!!! Tons of info!!

Talk soon!!!
:welcome: to the "THP"

I haven't tried to make mash yet, but is on the "to do" list at some point. You have come to the right place and I'm sure someone here will have the answer for you.

Good luck!!
I have done several mashes using whey and sourdough hooch and I really can't tell a difference. Either way you go your still going after the Lactobacillus to do the fermenting. Using only salt just helps to stop the bad stuff from starting till the good stuff can get going.

Either one, whey or hooch will get it started. I use hooch now because I always have some available in my starter pot.I guess you could call it a renewable resource and it makes really great bread. Hope this helps. Feel free to post any questions.