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Dear THE TB,

texas blues said:
I'm like Popeye.
I am what I am.

texas blues said:
i'm honored to be so talked about.
C'mon now.
Ain't nuthiin that I can do that you can't do better.
Dear THE TB:
I am blushing at your flattery. But also fainting at my loss of presence while you graced this meager thread.  Alas!
Kindest regards,
Dear The TB,

I thought of you last night,

a woman walked into the pizza shop where my friend works,

she smelled of intense patchouli,

I nearly gagged.

True story.
Dear THE TB,
I faced another kitchen connundrum tonight. It's a dang shame to be a Texan living in N.E. Ohio, 'cause it's purt near impossible to get fresh okra. And, frankly, even when "fresh" okra is to be found, a true Texan would turn away in disgust. So, alas, the best alternative when one has a hankering for okra is frozen.
Now when I go to the stoh to buy frozen okra, if I just want the full-on essence of okra I buy it whole. But if I want those delightful little morsels that are fried okra, I buy it sliced. Onliest thing is that I hardly go to the stoh at all any more, on account of werkin' and swimmin' taking up so much of my time. Instead, I send my trusty son to do my shopping for me. Only, only.... he ain't always so trusty. No siree. 
I prepared that decadent dish that is fried catfish for dinner tonight, and I asked my trusty son to fix some okra to go with it. As I was elbow-deep in the process of coating the catfish, I wasn't paying much attention to my son's activities. So you can understand my total horror to turn back to the stove to find that he bought sliced okra... AND WAS BOILING IT!!!!!
Dang.... I purt near dropped the catfish on the ground!
But to add insult to injury, he actually said he PREFERRED boiled, sliced okra over boiled, whole okra. Why, oh why? I never thought I'd hear that from a son born in Texas!
I know you'll understand my perplexion over this turn of events. Please, THE TB, I really need your advise, and QUICK!
Deepest respect always,