breeding Crossing Pubescens with Baccatum by using Eximium as bridge?

Hey there! 
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried or heard of someone trying to cross a Pubescens with a Baccatum or Annuum by using Eximium as a bridge species? According to the crossing matrix that goes around:
Eximium x Pubescens = HF
Eximium x Baccatum = NG
Then it shouldn't be impossible do an (Eximium x Pubescens) x (Eximium x Baccatum) cross, right?
I'm very curious to see your answers!
Edit: Looks like Cardenasii could also be a possibility.
I have been trying to find someone that has crossed a eximium with a baccatum and got nothing. It says it's possible but have never seen it done. I crossed an eximium with a baccatum this year but the pod fell off before it ripened.if I can get that to happen I am planning on crossing it with my eximium x pubescens cross I made this year.
Peppermafia said:
I have a baccatum x eximium that just sprouted and a pubescens x eximium that is setting fruit right now. So with a little luck and some time we will see if I can cross the two and drag some baccatum Gene's into pubescens!
Thats cool, but sadly Exinium x Baccatum should be infertile, but lets hope.
What makes you believe they will be infertile? Have you found any scientific evidence or just what you are guessing? I can find little to no information at all. The only thing I've read makes it seem possible but it was super rare to get them to cross. The lack of any information makes me more curious, I really want to see what the flowers will look like.
I've read those charts , I hope they are right. It seems funny though that no one on here has crossed a eximium and a baccatum before and no where on the web are there any pictures of the hybrid flowers or anything else. A lot of people have referred to that crossing chart but you don't hear anything about it so I'm thinking it must be difficult. My f1 just came up but it looks real strong so far.
Are you guys using more than one variety of each species and or more than one seedling? Pollen cocktails tried or donor pollen?
I don't know if the breeder used a bridge specie or not to get it done but I am growing one C. baccatum x C. fructescens cross right now called "Slowburn"... 
I'm trying to create a bridge atm. I have crossed Eximium x pubescens. I'm trying also Eximium x pubescens hybrid to cross with baccatum and maybe with chinense too. I'm going back and front crossing to get it closer.
Edit. I mean I have already crossed eximium x pubescens and its currently F1 stage. I don't know if the seeds are viable. I have two pods ripening and I'm waiting those to fully ripen. I'm then trying to cross with baccatums or baccatum x eximium hybrid if not yet possible. Very long road I have token. It took me already two years to make my white flower eximium to make pods.
and the unripen rocoto puno amarillo. Very tasty chili pepper and juicy.
I forgot to post fully ripen C. eximium. The tied berry is crossbred. I'm very certain there seeds :) But can't say yet did I succeed.  And sorry my previous post has too many grammatical errors. Still learning english. 
Pr0digal_son said:
They should be highly fertile. There are 100s of this specific cross,most unwanted or accidental.
This is fascinating but I havent seen a single cross of eximium. Too rare to masses or something else?
Hey Karpasruuti.  Purple Corolla Clade (Eximium or Cardenasii) crossed with rocotos are commonly referred to as a Rocopica, so that may be where some are "hiding."  Also, the larger Ulupica, e.g., Ulupica XL, seem likely (at least to me) to be crosses of either Eximium or Cardenasii and Rocoto. 
CaneDog said:
Hey Karpasruuti.  Purple Corolla Clade (Eximium or Cardenasii) crossed with rocotos are commonly referred to as a Rocopica, so that may be where some are "hiding."  Also, the larger Ulupica, e.g., Ulupica XL, seem likely (at least to me) to be crosses of either Eximium or Cardenasii and Rocoto. 
I got some nice information now when I looked it up but still a bit confused of the naming. And I did not found true single cross between eximium x pubescens. I found pubescens x eximium crosses and cardenasii x pubescens. 
My succes rate for the ripe berry was 33%. A bit low. I only tried to pollinate six flowers. I got two ripen small berries and two seeds one of each one. One seed is more dark inside and thin and another is more yellow'ish and puffed. None of them look like normal seed.
Edit. It may be that the berries were too small. In the zip lock bag I have seeds from the biggest berries. 
The hard part will be a baccatum x eximium cross. I am getting closer and maybe it's just getting the right ones but it will take a while to find. I have a f2 of a pubescens x 19198 that is looking good and will be what I try to
Cross if I ever get a baccatum x eximium