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nutrients Compost tea and hydroponic nutes

Will these interfere with compost tea if I add these kinda nutes. Is it overkill. Will it do more harm... Should I alternate nutes. Any feedback is appreciated. Now that I have all these samples. How to use them since I don't do aero or hydro/dwc


Can I add these to my tea. ?!
Yes!! There synthetic nutes and will likely kill your microbial life! Saw these guys at the Expo and passed on there samples for that reason! Check the back for EDTA,this stuff is toxic to organics!! If you still want to use them,pick up a soilless potting mix and try em out on there own,you'll most likely need a p.h meter to be sure your using them right though
Is it just this brand. Or all the ones we got samples of. I wonder if these will suit in my aerogarden.

Thanks for the HU nick
No problem bud! Well this was one of them,and a couple of the Dyna-Grow products are synthetic as well.There was only a few items for me that I just grabbed because they were" free" already knowing they were synthetics,grabbed them anyways even if I never use em.Might test out a couple just for kicks since we got em,but on a new plant grown from seed,nothing currently growing!
I used those exact nutes in my tea...I didn't have any problem. Synthetic nutes do not kill your organic tea, but over the long run they will diminish the soil food web. So don't over use them. The soil food web benifits from organic matter in the soil and a symbiotic relationship with surrounding plants.
Sorry 3/5 but making a compost tea and mixing nutrients are two different things,and by adding Synthetics to your tea.... Well,how could it still be considered Organic? Feed the soil not the plant is my motto!
Hey Pots,

He didn't mention anything about keeping it all organic. KD just wanted to know if it would do more harm than good or if it's overkill...All in moderation. Don't get me wrong, I am all about Organics and feeding the soil but don't have a problem throwing in a few higher quality synthetics once in awhile.
I wonder if anyone could actually explain how synthetic nutrients are made? Or if they could actually back up all the bad things said about synthetics with unbiased documentation; I make my own potting soil, and I compost all our food scraps and lawn trimmings in 2 different bins. I also use MG every now and then on potted plants, is this bad?
All feedback is appreciated. I was just asking
If adding hydro nutes to compost tea would counteract each other. I guess I'll
Just use these nutes In my aerogarden. I guess I can do a run. Hydro nutes vs organics.

Thanks all
Sometimes there are countering measures, when using mycorrhizae any addition of NPK will kill the mycorrhizae, that would render your investment in the mycorrhizae null.
I wonder if anyone could actually explain how synthetic nutrients are made? Or if they could actually back up all the bad things said about synthetics with unbiased documentation; I make my own potting soil, and I compost all our food scraps and lawn trimmings in 2 different bins. I also use MG every now and then on potted plants, is this bad?

Synthetic nutes are created in a lab, in a ready and available form. Where as organically a plant requires the symbiotic relationship with micro organisms, to break down a majority of their nutrients into an available form. There by feeding the soil to feed the plant. The best example of this is vermicast. (Worm poop) worms filter and eat organic material and process it into a usable form of compost called vermicast.

So if you were to only feed your plants synthetic nutrients, that are already in an available and readily usable form for the plant, the plant will not require this symbiotic relationship with the soil and its micro organisms and they will eventually die off. Synthetics also pollute the water tables with their runoff.
I used to use synthetics,went pseudo organic for awhile,so I know both sides.But by adding nutes to a compost tea,your actually defeating the purpose.Synthetics need to be mixed properly in the right way for maximum results or you risk possible lock out by throwing the P.H. out of balance and are more likely to kill your plant this way! I think you guys are all correct in some way,but for my boy Denniz here,I think its best to steer clear from combining the two methods for now until he gets a little better understanding on how to use them correctly.If you get the urge to test em out,start at half strength then go from there bud!
After reading up a bit, the synthetics by product is acid which if overdone will kill the good little single cell friendlies, if used too much.