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pH Citric acid to lower ph?

After a cooked batch, I often find myself at a ph around 4.8-5.0 depending of course what I choose to add. I usually end up adding limes to lower ph to a figure below 4.6. I believe that citric acid is used to lower ph, but how much will this affect taste? I assume it will be tart, but will a Tablespoon heavily affect the taste? I’m only making about 1 blender full of sauce btw. Would love to hear opinions on lowering ph of sauce in this range of say, 5.0 Down to a shelf-stable sub 4.6.

Thanks again for any advice!
What other ingredients are in the sauce? 4.8-5.0 pH is too high if you are going for shelf stable.
Can something be substituted like using pineapple juice instead of water?
That’s the perfect idea. I always connotate pineapple with sugar, which is around 7 ph. I just looked up pineapple juice ph and I didn’t know it was so low! Thanks for the tip. I love this site so much.