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Bunnies are everywhere!

Scoville DeVille said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ☝︎
Tunie with his Deere friend. lol

Your rabbit has alot of friends, way more than me..
My wife's little girl: Sugar-Bun (because she's so sweet :rolleyes: )  she is adorable, and friendly and gentle, but i still sometimes refer to her as "the composter" :lol:
she eats most veggie scraps, in addition to her bunny food (she gets more healthy greens daily than i do  :neutral: ) but she loves to be spoiled on occasion with carrot, celery, berries of every kind, slice of pear, wedge of orange, etc. )
this is our Bunny 

We need Rymerpt's bunny to bring the thread back where it belongs.  Glad you guys have carried it on.  3 years and 41 pages all over a joke about a crossdresser.  Whodathunkit?
JayT said:
We need Rymerpt's bunny to bring the thread back where it belongs.  Glad you guys have carried it on.  3 years and 41 pages all over a joke about a crossdresser.  Whodathunkit?
wait, what !  :think:
:rofl:  :rofl:
I just like to see bunnies   :metal: