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bottling Bottling products that contains Mayo???

Hi Guys,

Long time lurker, just recent made an account and have only posted very few times-great community here though.

To stat, I make a sauce to which I add some mayo after the sauce has cooked and cooled. It’s more of a condiment as it’s a little thicker than a straight sauce. The mayo is homemade and used eggs (both yoke and whites) and oil in addition to a few other ingredients. Once the sauce cools, I add the mayo to the sauce mix once more and bottle.

I understand how bottling/canning has to take place above a certain temp, as I make maple syrup during the season and we run into this issue...but that’s for another time.

Our sauce has gained popularity locally, and we are looking to expand as many here are (we have already done trade marking, bottles, labels, insurance)...all that fun stuff-but still have much more to go. Our only problem lies in bottling officially. We have previously used sauce we had made (using the same recipe) up to six month later without ever having any problems; still smells/tastes great...and of course no one ever gets sick.

Here's where our question lies. I know cold-bottling questions have been answered here but nothing seems to answer my problems. How would we bottle in this situation, we cannot reheat with the mayo as it would get funky prior to bottling, as the eggs would cook inside the sauce. It’s also a myth that mayo has to stay cold, as many studies have indicated that room temperature is fine to store mayo.

The base part of our recipe is vinegar based and the ph is low enough to not have any problems bottling. We are currently looking into a few companies to get our FDA testing and shelf life stability done, but don’t want to spend the money and go any further if we will be rejected right away...

Hope this was coherent enough as I have a million things regarding this running through my head. Thanks for the help!
Hi Saucy, WELCOME to THP!

I would suggest you talk with a process authority before going any further. You can find them affiliated with university food science departments or sometimes through independant labs. They will review your whole recipe and process, do a pH test on a sample and they will dictate how you can safely process and package your sauce.

My initial thoughts are that you will not be able to self-pack this sauce, even if you are using a licensed facility. Especially with using home-made mayo with un-cooked eggs....that's some major red-flags. Knowing restaurants aren't even supposed to serve over-easy eggs, I seriously doubt the health authorities will allow raw-egg mayo to be used. You might have a chance if using commercially produced mayo.

Step one- talk to whoever will be your local health licensing person, be it city, county or state. Get a feel from them what they will want. If it sounds like it's a go, then send a sample to a process authority. Once your process and recipe is approved (the PA might dictate some changes needed) then you can go back to the local health authority and move on from there. If needed, your local HA will recommend you get FDA registration. If you use a co-packer, they will be FDA registered and you don't have to be.

Good Luck! Sounds like an interesting product.