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bottling Bottling in Plastic

I'm trying to find some direction about bottling hot sauce in plastic bottles.  I've searched a bit, but everything seems sort of vague...at least for the home producer.
Most of the sauces I make are on the thicker side, compared to the vinegar heavy sauces at least.  The 5oz woozy bottles I use work okay, but it seems that they're just too thick to effectively use the orifice reducers.  But then without them, people often have trouble getting any sauce out without that delayed pour, then splat...much more sauce than they wanted.
Anyway, I want to use some squeezable bottles, kind of like what sriracha and yellowbird use.
Is it safe to assume that as long as I can sanitize them properly, and then fill them hot and invert(I know some plastics can't take 180F, I'm trying to figure all that out too), then it will be the same as using glass?
Here's a couple bottle types I was looking at:
Well...if any of y'all have any kind of experience with this, I'd be grateful.
most processors find that plastics don't work, and especially home processors who should be bottling at the higher end of the temperature range.  Plastic bottles panel/shrink/distort.  
There are wider mouthed 5oz glass bottles,  I can't remember what company had them, but look around.  I'll do a quick google.  Also think about other shaped bottles.  I know the traditional shape is a woozy, but there are other 4-6oz bottles with wider mouths. 
salsalady said:
Thanks for links!
I was really looking for something with a smaller opening. But now that I think about it, larger might work for some of my thicker sauce. I just like tactile feedback loop of the squeeze bottles...apply pressure, and that amount of sauce comes out, easy peasy
The Hot Pepper said:
If BBQ restaurants can do it, anyone can. Those things sit out in the sun all day. I like Aardvark sauces bottle. But I tend to like the pointed spout better, like what you find at BBQ joints.
Yeah, that's true. I wonder if the high sugar content in the BBQ sauces make a difference. Seems like it would. And then think about all of that Ketchup and Mayo sitting out in every burger joint.

I wonder if a lower pH would be effective. I find that I'm usually closer to 3 than 4.