pics BigT Plant Pics 2013

2 Giant Bhut Plants - 5 gallon on left 15 gallon on right - the bigger plant was healthier from the start, so it's not just pot size - but that being said, it's the biggest container plant I've ever grown by far.

G Bhut pods.

Sadly, many of the G But pods are suffering from this white spot disease ( I don't know exactly what it is).  Seems to be clearing up on the 2nd wave of pods.

Mariachi - 7 gallon pot.  Always a favorite - tasty and productive - low heat.

Yellow Bhut plant - this thing really spread out and took over.  Just to it's left is a decent sized Aji Crystal you can barely see, and behind that is a Giant Cayenne - well hidden.  Directly behind the Y Bhut is a Chaguanas 7 Pot Red which is also doing quite well.

Aji Crystal pods - very tasty and nice size, medium to low heat. 1st year I've grown them. Thanks to Spicegeist for the seeds.

Chaguanas 7 Pot Red pods - nice productive plant - seeds from my buddy scoville down in Tampa, FL.

Chaguanas 7 Pot Red pods - closer look.

Supposed to be a Biker Billy Jalapeno - but I'm thinking it crossed with a Serrano as no Bikers I've ever grown before resemble these.  Hot and tasty though - I'll save seeds as "Biker Serrano" and see what grows out next year.  Biker Billys are normally fat jumbo pods - consistently hot and flavorful - I love em.

Spicegeist said:
Very nice.  Sorry about the disease, we've had a very wet year.
How are the pods on that giant yellow bhut?
Haven't tried any yet, nothing ripe - but they look great and there are a ton of them.  Might be a good pod to break out of the Fatalii rut I'm in as I grow Fataliis every year. I'll get some pics up when they turn.
Wow.. that's one big, beautiful Giant Bhut. And that's cool how the Chaguanas 7 Pot Red pods are growing out 2-3 at a time at the same spot. I've never seen that before. :)
If any of my plants are going to get anywhere near those sizes I'm -definitely- going to need to find funding somehow to build a greenhouse because our house is - pure and simple - too damn small. lol
millworkman said:
Good looking plants and pods. The issues look like what I get with stinkbug damage.
That very well could be - I've been killing stink bugs around here all year.  Bought a Bugzooka for the house - comes in very handy.
rebelgrower3 said:
Very nice plants hope to have some in my greenhouse that big before long.
bigt said:
Haven't tried any yet, nothing ripe - but they look great and there are a ton of them.  Might be a good pod to break out of the Fatalii rut I'm in as I grow Fataliis every year. I'll get some pics up when they turn.
I'm glad they're looking good, the seed was open pollinated if I recall correctly.  I'll be curious to hear how you like the taste...
bigt said:

2 Giant Bhut Plants - 5 gallon on left 15 gallon on right - the bigger plant was healthier from the start, so it's not just pot size - but that being said, it's the biggest container plant I've ever grown by far.
what kind of grow bag is the large gray one your using?

Dorset Naga - one of my all time favorites.  The pods were really fat and juicy this year, and extremely hot, not Brain Strain or Butch T hot, but hot.  Usually more productive than this one, I think I let it run out of water one too many times.

Ancho San Luis - nice fat pods, nothing ripened yet.  This plant took forever to get going and early on I didn't think it would make it. Spicegeist seeds - I know he had issues growing them as well.

A bowl of Giant Bhut heat - all picked from my 15 gallon plant.  107 pods in there, sadly, I had to discard about another 40 that were damaged.  Very tasty this year with great heat - my all time favorite pepper, I grow it every year.

2nd Wave of Giant Bhut pods.  I might have to dry these pods.

Giant Bhut pods.

Yellow Bhuts finally starting to ripen.  These look very nice - 1st time growing them.  I'm impressed with the pod size.
Seacowboy said:
The second batch looks a lot healthier than the first. That bugzooka seems to have helped out.
It wasn't the Bugzooka that slowed the stink bugs down.  They just got so fat, they rolled around on the ground and couldn't eat any more.

Chaguanas 7 Pot Red.  Tasty, fat - less heat than other 7 Pots I've grown.

Giant Cayenne - a great chile pepper.  Versatile, flavorful, decent heat and a nice fat pod.  I've been growing these every year lately.

Unripened Mariachi.  Love these babies when red ripe.  Crisp and sweet - like a bell pepper with a little heat.

From L to R.  Mariachi, Giant Cayenne, Yellow Bhut, 2 Giant Bhuts, 2 Dorset Nagas, Chaguanas 7 Pot Red.  Below - a small Fatalii and a Bishops Crown.