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movies BEST and Worst movies....lately.

That was a long one...
Well it can't be a horror movie because the hero is also the murderer, and the murdered one is simply a ahole, so most people won't relate with him.
If you really haven't seen all of it, it's a damn shame. ending is freakishly expected, but weird.

The technical aspect is amazing. from effects to scenery and clothing. the music sometimes overpower the actual words, but the musical part is actually not too bad.
It's nice seeing a man mourns with a song, and the fact they keep it nonstop is better than just the occasional and inappropriate singing.
well I agree with the whole layout/effects/clothing/etc.... was nice for what I saw,this is why I tried to put up with the singing but just couldnt so off it went 20 mins into the movie.
horror movie I didnt know I just figured it was a slasher movie since it is about a barber that kills.

if you think pausing for about 1 minute to speak some words then go right back to singing, is not too much, well then you like musical movies.
me on the other hand if I want to watch a musical I'd watch a concert with music I like vs some opera type music.
I just watche3d The Fountin with my mom. I damn near balled my eyes out for 90% of the movie. Boy, that just struck a chord with me. What a beautiful film.
imaguitargod said:
I just watche3d The Fountin with my mom. I damn near balled my eyes out for 90% of the movie. Boy, that just struck a chord with me. What a beautiful film.
Great concept, not so much performance.
Just not interesting enough to make me want to watch all of it. I did watch all of it, just not willingly. :lol:
I haven't seen Sweeney, but Depp and Burton are Batting 1000 so far and I would pay to see a film about a turd if they made it.

No musicals CH? Check out "Cannibal, the musical" Campy but freakishly awesome! It is a Troma film.

P.S. I also started watching Omri's sig recently. I haven't quite finished it, but I hope to soon!;)