Uinta Labyrinth Black Ale (Crooked Line Series)

750ml Bottle
Bottled On: 3/31/10
American Strong Ale
13.20% ABV
$11.95 ea.

Poured into a chalice a very nice deep black color, nice carbonation, nice one-finger creamy tan head, with some nice sticky lacing to follow and a big oil slick. The nose is malty, with some chocolate/toffee notes, slight roast/smoke note, licorice, and slight oak note. The taste is very nice, malty, sweet, nice touch of chocolate/toffe, nice licorice note, with a slight hint of roasty oak. Medium body. Very Drinkable, this is one fine brew. Very nicely done Uinta.
That sounds delicious. Serve this with steak or pork chops and I'd be in heaven
That sounds delicious. Serve this with steak or pork chops and I'd be in heaven

Well, I had some pork chops with it yesterday, and a piece of Wedding Kielbasa. Went to the store today, and they had quite a few bottles of it, a newer batch, but their there. :beer: :dance:
tonight some Kipona Fest, which isnt even released yet this year :shady:

and some Creme Brulee Stout and some weird belgian lambic bottle I have sitting in my fridge, ill figure it out tonight when I get back from work
Having this today: Uinta Tilted Smile, an Imperial Pilsner, 9% ABV.

750ml Bottle
Bottled On: 5/5/10
$6.95 ea.

Poured into a chalice a very nice hazy golden yellow color, nice carbonation, nice one-finger foamy white head, with some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, very slight yeast note, fruity, very nice hop note. The taste is malty, hoppy, some citrus, fruity. Medium body, ABV hidden very well, definitely not as hot as other Impy Pils. Very Drinkable, for the price you cannot beat it, well job done Uinta.
Having this today: Uinta Tilted Smile, an Imperial Pilsner, 9% ABV.

750ml Bottle
Bottled On: 5/5/10
$6.95 ea.

Poured into a chalice a very nice hazy golden yellow color, nice carbonation, nice one-finger foamy white head, with some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, very slight yeast note, fruity, very nice hop note. The taste is malty, hoppy, some citrus, fruity. Medium body, ABV hidden very well, definitely not as hot as other Impy Pils. Very Drinkable, for the price you cannot beat it, well job done Uinta.

You certainly have a way with words......

Now I must go to the fridge for another beer!

Okay...I would have done that anyway.........but it WAS a great description!
Tonight another tasty one, my first from this brewery.

Brewer's Art Coup De Boule
ABV 7.2%
Belgian Strong Pale Ale


Poured into chalice a very nice cloudy dark golden yellow color, very nice carbonation, HUGE three-finger plus thick creamy off-white head, with some very nice thick/creamy sticky lacing to follow. The nose is very nice also, sweet, malty, yeasty, with some nice cinnamon notes, bready, light pepper note. The taste is very nice, sweet, malty, very nice touch of yeast, some cinnamon, light pepper. Medium body. Very Drinkable, a very tasty BSPA. My first from this brewery and a tasty one at that. Thanks Stephen!
Brewer's Art Resurrection
ABV 7%


Poured into a chalice a very nice grapy color, nice carbonation, very nice two-finger plus foamy off-white head, with some nice thick/creamy sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, slight yeast note, grapes, slight cherries, with some spice note. The taste is sweet, malty, nice little touch of yeast, grapy, some cherries. Medium body. Drinkable, this is a fine brew. So far 2 for 2 with them. Recommended. :beer:

Tonight: Samichlaus
ABV: 14%

2008 Vintage
Reviewed: 4 Aug 10

Poured into a chalice a very nice clean/clear amberish/grape color, nice carbonation, nice little fizzy/fast off-white head, with some oil slicks left behind. The nose is malty, sweet, grapey, with some slight caramel. The taste is malty, very sweet, grapey note. Medium body, ABV is hidden very well. Very drinkable, WOW! What a brew. Holds up very well. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

One of the best brew's on the planet, and most liquor stores should have it. If you can get older vintages, JUMP ON IT!

Had to read this post while at work all night. I am now thirsty for something higher proof than a can of Dr Pepper. Ready for a nice Great Lakes Dorty.. Yummm.