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  • Hi boss. I'm back.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Hands Up Nba GIF by Milwaukee Bucks
    So I guess now is a good time to share my news since it is working out. I have been back to work for two weeks now. I am not completely healthy yet, but I am managing. It feels good to feel at least kind of normal again.
    Sorry to hear you've been out of it, but good to hear you are on the mend. Hang in there!
    Great news Jay! Go Yankees!
    That's awesome Jay!
    Just won 30 ribeyes for $15. Score!
    Score! I can't even buy 2 for $15
    I bought 8 dry aged wagyu for $40 this week but they're small.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Thats .50 cents for each ribeye. I don't want to buy a ribeye that sells for fitty cent. Is that like crack ho' cow ribeye?
    Tonight, a milestone
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Jay. I'm looking forward to you posting to 30k. People like you and I. We're like hobos. And nowhere to go. Well...except sausage camp.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    I thought a milestone was what you call it when hogleg goes for a short walk.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Negative. A milestone is when hogleg finds a bic lighter that still works between the cushions of the couch.
    Hulu where have you been all my life? Also, anyone try Truff hot sauce?
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Geez Jay. I mean C'mon man. Hulu. Justin Bieber. The Early Years. Back when dudes were still sorta' dudes. But not really.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    I love when the Amish go to English town and discover technology. Funny thing is I never knew he was really Amish.
    I haven't bought any new technology in ten years. Its all new to me. I just bought a new phone computer and tv I love it!
    So after years of issues I have finally bought a new phone. It's a Samsung Galaxy S8. Now I just need to learn how to use it.
    Not really sure how or where to say this, but I have something I need to share with those that know me here. Those that don't probably won't give a shit. I was diagnosed last Friday with type 2 diabetes. My food porn and alcohol thread posts are going to be a-changin'. I have it bad and had to go on insulin right away. Hopefully with diet and lifestyle changes I can get this regulated and get off the insulin and just take meds and manage my diet. I am optimistic that I can p...
    Don't know you, but that doesn't matter, people should still care. It killed my dad, mainly because he didn't take care of it. Stick with it, and I'm sure you can get back on track.
    That sucks, but at least you can do something about it. I actually don't mind the low-carb thing. After a while, you won't even miss the carbs. The booze is the tough part. More pickle juice, and less vodka... Best wishes, my friend!
    I contracted type1 5 years ago. No T2 prelims, straight to 1 for me. Take care of yourself. Don't get to T1.
    There has been a tragedy, a chimney fire at the sausage camp. I was supposed to be there now, but there was a fire. It was contained and although there was significant damage we will rebuild! (The loss was limited to the chimney and the wall area directly between the chimney and the fireplace. The fire company did a great job of containing the fire and the roof was spared,
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Have mercy Jay that damage was limited. I grew up with open hearths and wood stoves. General maintenance is no joke and can save your life and your property.
    Good thing my friend was there at the time to call the FD or there probably wouldn't be a sausage camp anymore.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Glad everyone and the building are okay!
    Its 4F outside with a windchill of -12 nice day. I am about ready to go back to work to warm up!
    It's a pepper website.
    Quit quitting, then unquitting, and post up some hot dogs ;) I've got 3 little kids; I'm a "nuker" too, haha!
    hmmm, the pookinator hasn't responded? I'm thinking he wants his massage.. and then he'll talk
    Wow I just spent a couple hours catching up, and it seems someone has imploded. Gotta be drugs.
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