Recent content by Englander

  1. E

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    No not topped, I find it sets plant's back too long in our short season. I simply removed the original first large side leaves when i saw new side shoots trying to grow but not getting much light . I mentioned the subject of topping to the guys at Seaspring seedsmthe Dorset Naga people they...
  2. E

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's It's now 7 day's on from the last photos I forgot to mention my Devil's nagabrains never recovered from the whole soggy coldcwet soil caper and perished ! Although I do have another in mini kratky set up. We have had some lovely weather over the last week or so temperature mostly...
  3. E

    pics Mustard King Naga !! Unexpected !!

    I Guy's My mini Kratky hydroponic mustard Naga experiment now has buds and flowers 😎 It looks to be just as prolific as it's mother 😎 Soon I'll find out if my "mustard Naga " I grew from Black naga seed is in fact a true Mustard variation or a cross either way it very prolific and...
  4. E

    pests Fungus gnats!

    Hi Guy's I took Marc's advice and ordered nematodes.......dosed my house plants and had enough left over to do all my Mothers (like a jungle) 🤣 Report .... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Nae more fungus gnats 😎 Highly recommend 😁 Stephen
  5. E

    chinense Yellow King Naga aka Yellow fever !

    Hi Guy's They say " Every day's a school day " Yesterday I learnt that a chilli pepper known as "Yellow fever" is in fact a natural colour variation of the King Naga and not a cross as I had assumed from its very different shape/pheno type. A bit like the Black Naga in fact is a Black...
  6. E

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's Fast forward today Scotland has been basking in bright sunshine and highs in the light to mid 20oC area ! 21oC -24oC 🥵 absolutely baking for us after what feels like a very cold and extremely wet start to 2024. Everyone seems to haveca skip in there step and a smile on their face...
  7. E

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's At the time the penny dropped about the excessive cold wet soil that was causing my plant's problems I noticed some plant's still in their original 5 litre pot's were producing side shoots like mad ! I decided to trim off the older large leaves to allow as much light as possible...
  8. E

    flavor Flavour profiles, descriptions, preferences no short cut's ?

    Hi Guy's Ive been broading my chillie pepper flavour profiles experience I ordered dried Carolina reaper and Trinidad scorpion online from a uk shop .......I've been experimenting with both......heatwise they are very similar I found two pod's in a dish too much to handle 🥵 I have used them a...
  9. E

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's A little up date in my 2024 Scottish superhot trial............. When I'm wrong I'm wrong and happy to admit it and learn from it and hopefully not repeat it ! And if it helps other not make the same one even better. 🙂 My cunning plan for 2024 was germinate early, move to light...
  10. E

    What unusual vegetables are you growing ?

    NJChilihead Google perennial vegetables 😎 alot less work very deep rooted I never have to water them also many will grow in the shade where annual veggies simply fail to grow. Good king Henry will grow anywhere ! I have a GKH hedge along a very shady Scottish fence line in my garden, no...
  11. E

    pics Tiberius mauler and Andys king BOC hybrid vigour ?

    Oh forgot to say .........anyone grown these before ??
  12. E

    pics Tiberius mauler and Andys king BOC hybrid vigour ?

    Hi Guy's This season I'm trying "alot" of micro and mini kratky hydroponics objective being to produce a sample fruit to taste to save me growing a big plant over many month's in our short season only to discover I don't like the I did with the mighty 7 pot Douglah last season...
  13. E

    What unusual vegetables are you growing ?

    I'm rather partial to perennials............ I grow Good king Henry Lovage Scots Lovage Scoronera (for leaves) Sorrel Hablitzia tamnoides Taunton dean perennial kale Sutherland kale ( not perennial) but self seeds like a demon Victoria Rhubarb which was almost a religion to my Grand...
  14. E

    Szechuan Scotland !

    Hi Guy's I followed online instructions from a uk nursery about when to harvest my szechuan peppers..........turns out southern England can ve weeks or even months different from us ! Looked at my tree one day and realised most had fallen off ! 😭 Lesson learned sadly the hard...
  15. E

    misc Any winter chilli Pepper Experiments on the go ?

    Hi Guy's My wee winter experiment I'd say is about done :thumbsup: The objective was to try mini kratky hydroponic (spice jar) too try and get seeds quicker and in a space saving manner very important to those of us who can't grow outside 😟 Pod's growing seeds not far away now :party: I...