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  1. E

    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    No not topped, I find it sets plant's back too long in our short season. I simply removed the original first large side leaves when i saw new side shoots trying to grow but not getting much light . I mentioned the subject of topping to the guys at Seaspring seedsmthe Dorset Naga people they...
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    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's It's now 7 day's on from the last photos I forgot to mention my Devil's nagabrains never recovered from the whole soggy coldcwet soil caper and perished ! Although I do have another in mini kratky set up. We have had some lovely weather over the last week or so temperature mostly...
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    pics Mustard King Naga !! Unexpected !!

    I Guy's My mini Kratky hydroponic mustard Naga experiment now has buds and flowers 😎 It looks to be just as prolific as it's mother 😎 Soon I'll find out if my "mustard Naga " I grew from Black naga seed is in fact a true Mustard variation or a cross either way it very prolific and...
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    pests Fungus gnats!

    Hi Guy's I took Marc's advice and ordered nematodes.......dosed my house plants and had enough left over to do all my Mothers (like a jungle) 🀣 Report .... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Nae more fungus gnats 😎 Highly recommend 😁 Stephen
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    chinense Yellow King Naga aka Yellow fever !

    Hi Guy's They say " Every day's a school day " Yesterday I learnt that a chilli pepper known as "Yellow fever" is in fact a natural colour variation of the King Naga and not a cross as I had assumed from its very different shape/pheno type. A bit like the Black Naga in fact is a Black...
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    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's Fast forward today Scotland has been basking in bright sunshine and highs in the light to mid 20oC area ! 21oC -24oC πŸ₯΅ absolutely baking for us after what feels like a very cold and extremely wet start to 2024. Everyone seems to haveca skip in there step and a smile on their face...
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    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's At the time the penny dropped about the excessive cold wet soil that was causing my plant's problems I noticed some plant's still in their original 5 litre pot's were producing side shoots like mad ! I decided to trim off the older large leaves to allow as much light as possible...
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    flavor Flavour profiles, descriptions, preferences no short cut's ?

    Hi Guy's Ive been broading my chillie pepper flavour profiles experience I ordered dried Carolina reaper and Trinidad scorpion online from a uk shop .......I've been experimenting with both......heatwise they are very similar I found two pod's in a dish too much to handle πŸ₯΅ I have used them a...
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    2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

    Hi Guy's A little up date in my 2024 Scottish superhot trial............. When I'm wrong I'm wrong and happy to admit it and learn from it and hopefully not repeat it ! And if it helps other not make the same one even better. πŸ™‚ My cunning plan for 2024 was germinate early, move to light...
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    What unusual vegetables are you growing ?

    NJChilihead Google perennial vegetables 😎 alot less work very deep rooted I never have to water them also many will grow in the shade where annual veggies simply fail to grow. Good king Henry will grow anywhere ! I have a GKH hedge along a very shady Scottish fence line in my garden, no...
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    pics Tiberius mauler and Andys king BOC hybrid vigour ?

    Oh forgot to say .........anyone grown these before ??
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    pics Tiberius mauler and Andys king BOC hybrid vigour ?

    Hi Guy's This season I'm trying "alot" of micro and mini kratky hydroponics objective being to produce a sample fruit to taste to save me growing a big plant over many month's in our short season only to discover I don't like the I did with the mighty 7 pot Douglah last season...
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    What unusual vegetables are you growing ?

    I'm rather partial to perennials............ I grow Good king Henry Lovage Scots Lovage Scoronera (for leaves) Sorrel Hablitzia tamnoides Taunton dean perennial kale Sutherland kale ( not perennial) but self seeds like a demon Victoria Rhubarb which was almost a religion to my Grand...
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    Szechuan Scotland !

    Hi Guy's I followed online instructions from a uk nursery about when to harvest my szechuan peppers..........turns out southern England can ve weeks or even months different from us ! Looked at my tree one day and realised most had fallen off ! 😭 Lesson learned sadly the hard...
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    misc Any winter chilli Pepper Experiments on the go ?

    Hi Guy's My wee winter experiment I'd say is about done :thumbsup: The objective was to try mini kratky hydroponic (spice jar) too try and get seeds quicker and in a space saving manner very important to those of us who can't grow outside 😟 Pod's growing seeds not far away now :party: I...
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    annuum Japanese Takanotsume

    Hi Guy's 2024 I'm growing Takanosume again one in soil that's a present a good friend and the second I'm keeping myself in 5 litre kratky for the first time. Interestingly sown side by side with Ring of fire which I've always considered the earliest chillie the Takanosume is way ahead ! πŸ™‚...
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    misc Any winter chilli Pepper Experiments on the go ?

    There about 30,000 shu nice taste pod's very jalapeño like in shape obviously start green then black then a lovely deep horse chestnut colour ......... 😘 They stay the same when cooked :thumbsup:
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    annuum Japanese Takanotsume

    As far as I'm aware it's a capsicum annuum :thumbsup: Lovely compact plant's very pretty too when the chillies on red quite striking and tasty πŸ˜‹
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    recipe Nagaland inspired Pork belly Recipe

    As promised................. Made with one Carolina reaper............still think prefer the one I made with Trinidad moruga scorpion πŸ˜‹
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    misc Any winter chilli Pepper Experiments on the go ?

    Hi Guy's Quick update on my wee mini Kratky experiment with Hungarian black chilli in spice jar it's been out in the greenhouse the last month or more nigh5 temps have open been 4 oC to 7 oC inside the greenhouse at night day time highs of 18 oC to 30 oC ......if the sun comes out ...