overwintering Winter and bugs

Yes we always hope for a really cold winter here to kill the brown tail moth caterpillar. Evil bastages, not only do they completely eat every fruit/oak tree the hairs get wind blown and when they touch the skin give a nasty rash, when you breath them in your rolling to the hospital.
Hopefully the cold snap that has gripped the Ohio valley this week will get the frost down 18" or more to kill all of those bastard bugs.
Jeff, you are one state north.  Yep it has to be prolonged.  When our winters are mild, I try to till early and let the eggs / larva get closer to the surface, maybe cook in the day or freeze at night.  But it doesnt make all that much of a difference.  The baking does seem to get rid of grubs a bit.

Trying to come up with more topics for outdoor / in ground gardeners.  Lots of container indoor / container topics, probably the season.  I miss growing season.
FreeportBum said:
Yes we always hope for a really cold winter here to kill the brown tail moth caterpillar. Evil bastages, not only do they completely eat every fruit/oak tree the hairs get wind blown and when they touch the skin give a nasty rash, when you breath them in your rolling to the hospital.
This weird winter we're having up here isn't helping anything. Hopefully it'll go out with a bang.
Nightcrawler, someone tried to explain the changing ocean currents and wind stream.  Makes no sense to me.  All I could do was come up with the term "Global Wierdening".  Much luck.
FreeportBum said:
-2F this morning..woot woot!
This morning its -25celsius (-13f) here in montreal. And were having a mild winter.  :P 
With the windchill factor we are at -30c (-22f).
I say the frost line at around 24 inch (2 weeks ago) last year we had the frost line below 60 inches.

Usually the river is frozen in front of our house at this time of the year and now we are far from im, i would not be suprised if it does not freeze all the way this year.
Overall iam happy with this, winter is already harsh and long might as well have a easy one..
louis-123 said:
This morning its -25celsius (-13f) here in montreal. And were having a mild winter.  :P 
With the windchill factor we are at -30c (-22f).
I say the frost line at around 24 inch (2 weeks ago) last year we had the frost line below 60 inches.
Usually the river is frozen in front of our house at this time of the year and now we are far from im, i would not be suprised if it does not freeze all the way this year.
Overall iam happy with this, winter is already harsh and long might as well have a easy one..
Yesterday we hit -10F and this morning we are down to -6. Two days from now they are forecasting 50F and heavy rain, one of the strangest winters here that I can remember. My favorite ice fishing spot that I've been fishing for 20+ years usually has around 3ft+ of ice right now, this past weekend it had around 13 inches. But to get back to the OP's topic I have a feeling it's going to be a bad season for bugs here. Cheers
FreeportBum said:
Yesterday we hit -10F and this morning we are down to -6. Two days from now they are forecasting 50F and heavy rain, one of the strangest winters here that I can remember. My favorite ice fishing spot that I've been fishing for 20+ years usually has around 3ft+ of ice right now, this past weekend it had around 13 inches. But to get back to the OP's topic I have a feeling it's going to be a bad season for bugs here. Cheers
Agreed, I'm from up in the county originally, where the weather is typically different than down here, but this is the strangest winter I recall. I was speaking with a biologist from Baxter park the other day and he said they fully expect a bad tick and flea outbreak in the moose population this spring. I would imagine that goes hand in hand with garden pests.

-17f here right now. I'm thinking they were lying about it warming up today