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Who is heading to the Fiery Foods show in March?

Greetings all. Just wondering how many people in this great forum will be making the pilgrimage to the Fiery Foods show in New Mexico this coming March? Just curious how many faces I'll be able to put on the cyber-typers here. It'll be our first time, and if it is half as fun as I've been hearing, it should be quite memorable. I just hope they have ice cold beer and big fat steaks for nourishment.
We were hoping to go but it looks like we won't be able to after all. :fireball: I was so looking forward to finally being able to put names and faces together.

I won't be able to get the time off from my "outside" job. Plus we have something happening with the business that is set to break in early March (don't want to say what it is yet - Don't want to jinks it) :shock:

Next year is a definite though.

It is with a heavy heart and deep sorrow that I pen this notice. Yesterday, my wife broke the wind to me that we would not be attending the fiery food fest in NM. No bright lights, no parties...notta! zip! zilch! not us. It will only be darkness in the sea of dispair for the Cap'n. The only party for me will be the pity party in the depths of my soul.
No fair wind in my sails, just a sea of turmoil and grief.
I feel as though I need to sing a little dity from the old t.v show, Hee Haw. :cry: Sing along with the Cap'n...
Gloom dispair and agony on meee, whooa :lol:
Deep dark depression excessive misery, whooa :lol:
If it weren't for bad luck, I have no luck at aaall, :violin:
gloom dispair and agony on meee.. :violin:

At the end of each day, as you belly up to the bar to have a GROG or two or ten...think of the old Cap'n never to be the same again :cry:
It looks like I probably won't get to go, but we're still hoping to put the Peppermaster on a plane.

Tell me I don't have to sing, please!

All the more reason to bring her up here for a visit!

Heck, March 29th weekend, we are in Toronto for a major show, bring her up there. She'd like that.

She's not very good with the cold temps, and considering in March your tundra is just starting to thaw...Her depression is growing exponentially since your news. I fear she may stick her head into the maw of my capsaicin-based homunculus.
Put a chain on that thing would ya.

Tell her not to get too depressed. If everything goes the way I want, we'll be down there soon enough...

Wait a minute... You're in NEW JERSEY! It's not THAT warm there!
