health What is wrong with these leaves

Agree - most likely magnesium deficiency, which epsom salts provide. I thought you were giving your plants some good stuff, though. What are you feeding them?
PepperLover said:
They need some Epsom Salt 
Three days ago, I watered with only water, but with the watering before that (around 2 weeks ago) I gave it a full dose (1 teaspoon per gallon) of Maxibloom 5-15-14.  Looking at the ingredients ( I see it has calcium and magnesium.  These leaf characteristics showed up a day or 2 before the last watering.  I'm surprised at how fast the plant went through the nutrients.  
How much Epsom salt (what concentration per gallon of water) should I add in the next watering?  Are you recommending that I only water next with Epsom salt.  I like Maxibloom, but have a tendency to over-fertilize so I was planning on fertilizing less (every 3rd to 5th watering instead of every other watering as I did last year) this indoor grow.
Edit - Not that I imagine it would make a difference, but the last watering was when I first transplanted the plant into the 5 gallon bucket.  I watered the soil in the bucket with the Maxibloom mixed in, then transplanted the plant. Could something about transplant shock have blocked any nutrient absorption?
Watch the watering too, it can lead to yellow leafs, try some Epsom salt, fish and kelp mix and liquid iron if u have some. 
1/2 teaspoon of Epsom Salt per gallon shouldn't hurt anything.
IMO, you might also want to 'fertigate' for a week or two, using a 'pinch' of Epsom per gallon, or a ~1/4 teaspoon per gallon of your Maxibloom, for the next few waterings. 
Personally (entirely IMO - I'm sure plenty of people will disagree ;) ) I've had better luck with continual dilute fertilizer application than with larger periodic doses. 
When I saw the pic, my first thought was "magnesium deficiency, could use some epsom salts".
But just readng that you used Maxibloom, 2 weeks ago if Im reading that right? I might think your low in nitrogen, Maxibloom is a hydro nutrient, nothing wrong with that in and of itself, it can be used in soil as well, its just that it needs to be used more often as its not a time release fert, basically every few days on a regular basis. So if your using it only once every 2 weeks you could be starving your plant of its needed nutes.
Also, I think your using a "bloom" nute, might help to use a "grow" nute until your plants are ready to start flowering or when you want to help instigate flowering then switch to a "bloom" nute.
Im probably wrong, but just a thought.
You might try using the epsom salts in a foliar spray - mix with water, put in a spray bottle, and spray. If it's locking out nutrients via the roots, foliar spray is one way to possibly get around that.