What has been your most productive hot pepper varieties (12 years later)

What has been the most productive pepper varieties you have ever raised?
Include details such as: variety, how you grew them, pictures and anything else you can think of. 
If someone has already made an updated post since 2008 of this topic, awesome. Lets do another one!
StupidHotPeppers said:
What has been the most productive pepper varieties you have ever raised?
Include details such as: variety, how you grew them, pictures and anything else you can think of. 
If someone has already made an updated post since 2008 of this topic, awesome. Lets do another one!
Sure..... Go for it! 

Dec-2019_Most productive pepper?
Nov-2016_Give a shout-out to the most productive variety you've grown...
Sep-15_What variety over 200,000 Scoville is your most productive ?
Jan-2013What's the most productive super hot you've grown?
In terms of numbers I think it was Biquinho from Juanitospeppers 

I grey them hydroponically in grodan cubes using drip to waste irrigation. Excellent snack