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video Video of our garden!


This is a video of our garden... it was taken on johnnys phone and he held it sideways the whole time lol sorry... its also really bouncey.. whatever we arent videographers!

We will post more soon!

xo nicole
Great garden Johnny and Nicole those plants are loaded with pods must be some great soil. Hang out here long enough and you'll be growing something other than habaneros in that garden that nobody will steal, wish my plants looked half as good as those. :hotsauce:
Those are some interesting Serranos you've got growing. Are they meaty like normal Serranos or are they a decent candidate for drying?
Those are some interesting Serranos you've got growing. Are they meaty like normal Serranos or are they a decent candidate for drying?

Sorry the quality of the video was poor, but I think your referring to the peruvian SERLANOS, not serranos! Probably why they look funny :o)

Great garden Johnny and Nicole those plants are loaded with pods must be some great soil. Hang out here long enough and you'll be growing something other than habaneros in that garden that nobody will steal, wish my plants looked half as good as those. :hotsauce:

The plot is a part of a community garden that has been going on for about 50 years or something crazy like that! Everyone gets their own 30x30 fenced space. Its all organic gardening- your not allowed to add anything. The soil is killer because its in a flood plain! So every year around April we get a huge rain storm, on top of the rain, all of the snow washes down the mountains and floods a good portion of town (areas that are farmland) and it washes up awesome nutrients! The plots are like 50 feet from the river.

That's great to see your garden patch! And it was doubly nice that I didn't have to sit up on the couch to watch it, I could watch it laying down!

Just having some fun, and your pepper plants are doing very nicely! I'm starting to wonder how big our plant or pods will be because of the size of their growbags.

First year for me, so any pods are good pods and you guys are way ahead for harvesting!

Have fun playing around with the spoils! ;)