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Very spicy healthy candy

Made from crystallized xylitol and simple flavors, this is a very healthy and delicious hard candy. Xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from birch trees with the expected 4 carbohydrate calories per gram but unlike sugar, it has a glycemic index that approximates cauliflower. It's a great treatment for dry mouth, nukes bacteria and acids in the mouth so it protects the gums and teeth. It also promotes remineralization of the teeth.
I make it with flavors like orange cream, irish cream, vanilla swirl, caramel, cinnamon, etc.
I love my very spicy version. Cinnamon spice and crystalline capsaicin. It's bad to the bone but I don't go for a high level of heat. I make it with 0.01% capsaicin so it comes in at slightly less than 16,000 SHU. A nice level for me to use throughout the day although many people would find that far too hot. It's good stuff. The capsaicin is absolutely tasteless in the candy. Heat is the only feature it adds. The spiciness of the capsaicin is an additional treatment for dry mouth.
It's really simple to make. For instance, mix 50 grams of xylitol with 100 mg citric acid, 100 mg cream of tartar and 50 mg of pure capsaicin. Melt over a double boiler or over a heat spreader until completely liquefied. Stir in your flavor and pour out onto a suitable surface to form a sheet crystal. I use silicone baking ware for this. Once the crystallization is complete, break into small pieces and enjoy.


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All I know is it's in my toothpaste and mouthwash  :lol: