chinense Trinidad Scorpions vs 7Pots--flavor comparison??

LordHill said:
That's the best way. We can give our experiences, but each person likes different stuff. Grow them all, and more. I started growing supers, their fun, but turns out I prefer habs
From my somewhat limited experience, i think i'm ultimately going to be focusing on Scotch Bonnets and similar varieties.... but the super-hots just look so dang mean, and they are truly a marvel, representing the confluence of mother nature and human engineering and the incredible shit we're capable of... 
I grow a few supers just to keep people in check when they come over saying they can take hot peppers no problem. Reapers, brown moruga, primo.. I can teach them a lesson lol..

Tried for Bennetts this season, couldn't get any to germ. Only other variety I had trouble with germination was orange habs, took of 20 seeds planted (2 per tray) only 1 plant arose. It's covered in pods so I will have fresh seeds for next season to hopefully do better.
LordHill said:
I grow a few supers just to keep people in check when they come over saying they can take hot peppers no problem. Reapers, brown moruga, primo.. I can teach them a lesson lol..

Tried for Bennetts this season, couldn't get any to germ. Only other variety I had trouble with germination was orange habs, took of 20 seeds planted (2 per tray) only 1 plant arose. It's covered in pods so I will have fresh seeds for next season to hopefully do better.
What's your germination strategy?
I started with paper towel nonsense. Switched to just regular seed trays. I got 100% on everything I planted. 2 seeds per tray. Some I even split the world sprouts to double some varieties. Just orange habs and Scotch bonnets that gave me trouble. I have since switched to jiffy dome for ease
Update: I took everyone's advice, and got a SFRB from a member here, complete with several varieities i'm interested in.
i ate me a yella TS CARDIs.  It was very hot; a whole heap hotter than anything else i've eaten, which i was aware of academically, but i don't think i realized just how incredibly hot it was gonna be til i experienced it.  But yeah, before that searing heat set in, i gotta say, it tasted rather bitter compared to other chinense i've had.  I'm feeling certain i watched a review where someone said that, but i can't recall who.  Not entirely convinced that it wasn't some kind of placebo effect, but it scarcely matters b/c EVERYthing faded once the fire hit.
So, yeah.... i wasn't that impressed with the flavour, but i saved seeds anyway b/c, to be honest, it's just an incredibly hott looking pod.  Just a killer l'il pepper to behold.  And, yeah, i got me some 7pot seeds coming, so... i'll cross that bridge when i come to it.