seeds Transfering Seedlings

Hi, I have gotten quite a few seedlings started indoors, soon to be moved outdoors.  I used a couple of self watering wicking systems, based on the advice of Peter S and his YouTube videos such as 
Question is what to do when you want to transfer to a larger pot, do you leave the net pot (or pop bottle) on or do you try to cut it out?  In some cases the root system has developed quite a bit and I am worried that I will damage the roots if I cut out the net pot or soda bottle.  On the other hand, I am concerned that leaving the net pot on will hamper future root development.  What to do?
Thanks in advance.
I am not a pepper expert, but I have been gardening for a while and have worked as a professional gardener before. General rule of thumb is you want to transplant as few times as possible if at all. Be very gentle when you move the plants.
However, don't be too neurotic or worried about damaging your plants. It can be stressful moving plants, but as long as you don't forget to treat your seedlings like new born babies, you shouldn't have too many problems. I have been rough and wild with my plants when I was just starting out, and it doesn't have a as large as of an effect as people make it out to be. (I have never killed a plant despite being a clutz and just a rough and tense person.) Plants can be very be durable. Of course, that doesn't mean not to be careful.
You mention cutting the bottle, and I don't think thats a bad idea; if you have a heavy duty scissors that can cut through the bottom of the bottle (as in the neck where the cap goes,) create a small incision through the thicker plastic, and follow up with a sharp knife to create perforations to the top. That way you will be prepped to gently tear the bottle and then move the plant. Transplant as normal, firmly pack the soil, and water gently.
Hope this helps! Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice.  I will likely go middle of the road, cutting as much as I can to remove the net pot/bottle without damaging the roots, hopefully allowing fo them to grow relatively unrestricted after tranplanting.