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harvesting Today's Harvest

Nothing spectacular, unless one takes into consideration this is October in Ohio and we have not had more than one decent rainfall in the last month!

Ten quarts of tomato juice, five pints of whole tomatoes and a pint of salsa went into bottles. Also got 13 ounces of peppers, 95 percent of them superhots (Red Savina or hotter). I'm hoping for another four quarts of juice by Tuesday and perhaps a pint of salsa, along with several eggplants. The peppers are about done for except for some bird peppers.

One thing - I probably have close to a bushel of green toms I will pick and store. Can I get to 100 quarts of juice on the year? I'm at 82 now (88 if I include the two that exploded and the four that were on the stove that I had to toss because a bunch of the explosion ended up in the pot!)
